What Are Interactive Videos? 30 Best Examples That Broke New Ground

Sep 17, 2024 8:15:18 AM

In a survey by Spiel, more than 95.4% of people attributed their video marketing success to this one video format:

You guessed it–interactive videos.

The same survey found that for 86.2% of people, interactive video format was the obvious choice for their future marketing videos.

But what’s so special about interactive videos, a rapidly growing sector in digital media? 

While traditional videos have been a reliable medium for digital content for so long now, their linear nature often leads to passive consumption, where viewers simply watch without engaging.

This passive engagement is a significant problem in an era where active participation is key to not only capturing attention but also retaining it

This gap highlights a missed opportunity in industries like marketing and education, where hands-on engagement is crucial.

In this blog, we delve into why interactive videos are not just a novelty but a necessity in today's fast-paced, interaction-driven digital landscape. 

From exploring the basics of interactive videos to witnessing 30 of the best interactive video examples, this blog will guide you through everything you need to know about this innovative visual medium.

Want an interactive video that brings your audience closer to your brand?

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  1. What Are Interactive Videos?
  2. Why Should You Consider Using Interactive Videos?
    1. Interactive Videos Enhance Engagement
    2. Interactive Videos Improve Retention
    3. Increased Conversion Rates
    4. Interactive Videos Provide a Personalized Experience
    5. Interactive Videos are Highly Versatile
  3. How Does Interactive Video Work?
    1. Interactive Videos Enable User Interaction
    2. Seemless Branching Storylines in Interactive Videos
    3. Clickable Hotspots
    4. Data Tracking 
    5. Interactive Videos Can Have Multiple Endings
    6. Use of Technology
    7. Interactive Videos Can Be Integrated with Other Media
  4. What Makes a Great Interactive Video?
    1. Clear Objectives
    2. Engaging Storytelling
    3. User-Friendly Design
    4. High-Quality Content
    5. Relevant Interactivity
    6. Personalization Options
    7. Balanced Interactivity
    8. Mobile Optimization
    9. Analytics and Feedback
    10. Accessibility Features of Interactive Videos
  5. Scenarios Where Interactive Videos Can Be Used
    1. Interactive Videos in Education and Training
    2. Interactive Videos in E-Commerce
    3. Interactive Videos in Customer Support and Tutorials
    4. Interactive Videos in Recruitment and HR
    5. Interactive Videos in Entertainment and Gaming
    6. Interactive Videos for Product Showcase
  6. How To Make an Interactive Video?
    1. Define The Objective of Your Interactive Video
    2. Script Your Interactive Video
    3. Choose the Right Interactive Video Tool
    4. Shoot Your Interactive Video
    5. Add Interactive Elements
    6. Test Your Video
    7. Publish and Share Your Interactive Video
    8. Analyze and Optimize
  7. How to Choose a Video Production Company for Your Interactive Videos?
    1. Type of Videos
    2. Budget
    3. Portfolio Quality
    4. Interactivity Support
    5. Additional Interactive Video Costs
    6. Reputation
  8. 30 Best Interactive Video Examples
    1. Banqer
    2. Deloitte
    3. Nicky Case
    4. Nespresso
    5. Asurion
    6. Lifesaver
    7. Interactive Coworking Space Tour
    8. LaCantina
    9. “You Vaguely Remember Someone” by Eko
    10. “Workplace War Zone” by EmC Leaders
    11. Nike Air Max Dia Interactive Video
    12. “Mastering Customer Service” by Amazon
    13. “Handling Sales Objections” by The Training Arcade
    14. “My Grandmother’s Lingo” by Special Broadcasting Services
    15. Virtual Art Sessions
    16. “Dead Lonely” by Aardman Studios
    17. NTT Data Corporate Holiday Video
    18. “Future of Spaceflight” by CNN
    19. Invasion Animated VR Film
    20. Getafe Football Club Interactive Store
    21. Vimeo Interactive Video
    22. Vimeo Webinar
    23. Vimeo Interactive Platform Walkthrough
    24. Coors Light
    25. Hortology Quiz
    26. Wirewax + Vimeo Interactive
    27. Jamie Oliver Shoppable Video
    28. Dyson Live Video
    29. Edinburgh Zoo Interactive Video
    30. Global Food Policy Report

But before we look into how interactive videos are reimagining how we interact with visual content, let’s understand what interactive videos are and what makes them unique.

1. What are Interactive Videos?

Interactive videos are videos that allow viewers to interact with visual content through actions like clicking, dragging, scrolling, and hovering, creating a more engaging and personalized viewing experience in the process.

But why should someone use interactive videos in the first place?

Let’s explore this further in our next section.

2. Why Should You Consider Using Interactive Videos?

According to Hubspot’s video marketing report, interactive videos give the fifth highest video marketing ROI among use cases like product videos and behind-the-scenes videos.

Here are some reasons to consider using interactive videos in your marketing strategy:

  1. Enhanced Engagement
  2. Improved Retention
  3. Increased Conversion Rates
  4. Personalized Experience
  5. Versatility

1. Interactive Videos Enhance Engagement

A survey by Social Media Week revealed that viewer engagement on interactive videos was 90% higher compared to traditional linear videos.

This could be in the form of clicking on options, answering quizzes, or making decisions that influence the video's outcome.

Such interactions significantly increase viewer involvement, making the content more captivating and memorable.

2. Interactive Videos Improve Retention

The active participation required in interactive videos aids in better retention of the information presented.

When viewers interact with content, they are more mentally engaged, which leads to deeper cognitive processing.

This enhanced engagement helps in embedding the content more firmly in the viewer's memory.

Educational settings, for instance, benefit from interactive videos, with studies indicating a notable improvement in learning outcomes when interactive videos are used.

3. Increased Conversion Rates

According to an article by MarketingProfs, interactive videos for marketing have 11% higher conversion rates than standard videos.

By engaging the viewer through direct interaction, these videos can effectively guide them towards making a purchase or taking another desired action.

The interactive elements can be strategically placed to highlight products or services, leading to a higher likelihood of viewer action.

4. Interactive Videos Deliver a Personalized Experience

One of the most compelling reasons for using interactive videos is the ability to offer a personalized experience.

Viewers can choose their own journey through the content, selecting paths or options that are most relevant or interesting to them.

Such a tailored approach not only enhances the viewer's experience but also increases the relevance of your content.

5. Interactive Videos are Highly Versatile

Interactive videos are incredibly versatile and can be utilized across a wide range of sectors.

In training and skill development, they provide realistic scenarios for skill practice.

For marketing, they serve as an innovative approach to showcase products and capture customer interest.

This versatility makes interactive videos a reliable visual medium.

We are here to help you out with your interactive videos.

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But how do interactive videos work as compared to traditional videos?

We explore this further in our next section.

3. How Do Interactive Videos Work?

Interactive videos are effective due to their various interactive elements that greatly influence the outcome of the video.

An article by DemandGen Report found that 91% of B2B marketers prefer videos that use interactive elements.

Here’s how these elements make interactive videos work so effectively.

  1. User Interaction
  2. Branching Storylines
  3. Clickable Hotspots
  4. Data Tracking 
  5. Multiple Endings
  6. Use of Technology
  7. Integration with Other Media

1. Interactive Videos Enable User Interaction

Interactive videos allow viewers to make choices. These choices can change the video's outcome to make it more personalized to the viewer.

2. Seemless Branching Storylines in Interactive Videos

Many interactive videos have branching storylines. This means the story changes based on viewer choices, much like "choose your own adventure" games.

3. Clickable Hotspots

These videos often include clickable areas, or 'hotspots'. Clicking these can reveal more information, link to websites, or change the progression of the video based on what the viewer clicks on the video.

4. Data Tracking

Interactive videos can track user choices. This data helps creators understand viewer preferences and improve future videos.

5. Interactive Videos Can Have Multiple Endings

Due to branching paths, these videos can have various endings. Each viewer might see a different ending based on their choices.

6. Use of Technology

They use special software for creation and hosting. This software allows the interactive elements to work seamlessly.

7. Interactive Videos Can Be Integrated With Other Media

Interactive videos honor the video-first approach of marketing by integrating with other media types, like social media, for a richer experience.

Now that we have a clear understanding of what interactive videos are and how they work, we are faced with the next obvious question:

What are the hallmarks of a great interactive video?

We answer this question in detail in our next section.

4. What Makes a Great Interactive Video?

Here are some criteria that can take your interactive videos from good to great:

  1. Clear Objectives
  2. Engaging Storytelling
  3. User-Friendly Design
  4. High-Quality Content
  5. Relevant Interactivity
  6. Personalization Options
  7. Balanced Interactivity
  8. Mobile Optimization
  9. Analytics and Feedback
  10. Accessibility Features

1. Clear Objectives

Successful interactive videos have a clear purpose, whether it's educating, storytelling, or marketing. Knowing the goal helps in designing a focused and effective video that naturally compels your viewers to take the desired action.

2. Engaging Storytelling

A compelling narrative that leverages the aspects of visual storytelling is key to making your interactive videos impactful. 

3. User-Friendly Design

The interactivity should be intuitive and easy to navigate. If viewers struggle to understand how to interact with your videos, they're likely to lose interest.

4. High-Quality Content

Visual and audio quality shouldn't be compromised. High production values in your interactive videos can go a long way in retaining viewer engagement and conveying professionalism.

5. Relevant Interactivity

Interactions in your videos should feel natural and relevant to the content and the viewer’s aspirations. Forced or irrelevant choices can detract your viewers from the experience.

6. Personalization Options

An article on personalization by McKinsey & Company states that 78% of users prefer content that is personalized to them. It’s crucial for your interactive videos to personalize the experience viewers have when they interact with your videos, thereby leading to increased engagement.

7. Balanced Interactivity

Too much interactivity can overwhelm your viewers, while too little can make it feel gimmicky. Finding the right balance with your interactive videos is crucial.

8. Mobile Optimization

According to Statista’s global mobile traffic statistics from 2022, over 50% of global internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Which is why it’s crucial to ensure your interactive videos work seamlessly on mobile devices as it does on larger screens.

9. Analytics and Feedback

Incorporating mechanisms for feedback and data collection helps in better understanding your viewer’s preferences and needs, helping you improve your future interactive content.

10. Accessibility Features of Interactive Videos

Including subtitles, voiceovers, and descriptive audio ensures the content is accessible and inclusive to a wider audience, including those with disabilities.

Want a great interactive video that incorporates all of the aforementioned qualities?

With us, you’re in good hands!

Get in touch with us for your interactive videos by filling out the form below:


While we have seen some scenarios where interactive videos can (and have) worked wonders, let’s explore the various ways of using interactive videos further in the upcoming section.

5. Practical Scenarios Where Interactive Videos Can Be Used

Interactive videos can be used in a variety of innovative ways. Let’s explore some of them as follows:

  1. Education and Training
  2. E-Commerce
  3. Customer Support and Tutorials
  4. Recruitment and HR
  5. Entertainment and Gaming
  6. Product Showcase

1. Interactive Videos in Education and Training

A study by Kaltura found that 93% of teachers believe interactive videos increase student engagement.

By integrating quizzes, clickable hotspots, and decision-making scenarios, these videos make learning more engaging and personalized.

2. Interactive Videos in E-Commerce

By incorporating product links directly into videos, customers can shop for products in real time, enhancing the shopping experience and potentially increasing sales.

According to the video marketing statistics by Oberlo, 66% of video marketers get more qualified leads per year, and interactive videos can be a significant contributor to this.

3. Interactive Videos in Customer Support and Tutorials

Interactive videos can provide step-by-step guidance or troubleshoot common issues, offering a more engaging and helpful customer support experience than traditional manuals or FAQs.

4. Interactive Videos in Recruitment and HR

Companies are now using interactive videos for recruitment processes, allowing candidates to explore different scenarios and understand the company culture better. Deloitte’s recruitment video in our “Best Interactive Videos” section is a great example of this (more on that later).

5. Interactive Videos in Entertainment and Gaming

The entertainment industry is leveraging interactive videos to create choose-your-own-adventure style content, offering viewers a unique and engaging gaming experience.

6. Interactive Videos for Product Showcase

Interactive videos are a great way to showcase products and services to a brand’s target audience.

In the case where product offerings are dynamic due to their multifaceted nature, interactive videos provide a more tailored approach to help the audience interact with your product offerings.

It’s safe to say that interactive videos are a worthwhile investment for your video marketing strategy.

You now have the option to make the interactive videos yourself or hire a video production company for your interactive videos (more on that later).

But if you have decided to make your interactive videos yourself, we have got you covered! 

Our next section outlines a step-by-step guide that can kickstart your interactive video production, from conception to completion.

6. Step-by-Step: How To Make an Interactive Video

Breaking down your interactive video production into manageable steps makes the process more simple and enjoyable while ensuring they are aligned with your video marketing goals. 

In this section, we'll walk you through each stage of creating an interactive video, from conception to execution.

Just like our 7-step animation process for explainer videos, interactive videos also follow a set of steps that closely resemble an explainer video’s animation process with slight variations.

  1. Define Your Objective
  2. Script Your Video
  3. Choose the Right Interactive Video Tool
  4. Shoot Your Video
  5. Add Interactive Elements
  6. Test Your Video
  7. Publish and Share
  8. Analyze and Optimize

Step 1: Define The Objective of Your Interactive Video

Start by clearly identifying what you want your interactive video to achieve.

Is it to educate your audience on a complex topic? Maybe you're aiming to boost product sales, or simply entertain and engage viewers.

Your goal will guide the content and style of your video.

For instance, an educational video might include quizzes, while a marketing video could have product links.

Step 2: Script Your Interactive Video

Your script is the blueprint of your video. When writing it, think about where to add interactive elements.

Will viewers choose different story paths? Will they answer questions?

These choices should blend seamlessly into your story or message, enhancing the viewer's experience, not interrupting it.

Our blog on writing a script for your explainer videos might help you out in this step so do check it out.

Step 3: Choose the Right Interactive Video Tool

Select a platform that fits your needs.

If you're focusing on storytelling, consider a tool like Rapt Media.

For educational content, HapYak or Wirewax might be better.

Step 4: Shoot Your Interactive Video

When filming, keep your script's interactive elements in mind.

If you have branching paths, film each scenario separately and then properly integrate it into your interactive videos.

Use storyboarding to plan the sequence of scenes. This helps in visualizing how your interactive elements will play out on screen.

Step 5: Add Interactive Elements

Now, bring your video to life by adding interactive features.

Use your chosen platform to insert clickable links, quizzes, or branching paths.

This step transforms your standard video into an engaging, interactive experience.

Step 6: Test Your Video

Testing is crucial. Make sure all interactive elements work as intended.

Check that links lead where they should, quizzes record responses correctly, and story paths flow smoothly.

Step 7: Publish and Share Your Interactive Video

After thorough testing, it's time to publish.

Choose the right platform to share your video, whether it's your website, social media, or a video distribution platform.

Ensure it reaches the right audience that you’re aiming to target.

Step 8: Analyze and Optimize

Finally, use analytics tools to see how viewers interact with your video.

Look at which parts they engage with most, and where they lose interest.

This information is key to improving your future interactive videos. 

While this guide can help create your first interactive video, most individuals or brands are usually pressed for time to produce such content.

Which is why it’s always a safer bet to rely on video production companies that have a lot more experience in creating interactive videos.

We save you this hassle by making your interactive videos for you.

All you have to do is fill out the form below to get started


But how should you choose the right interactive video company according to your requirements?

Our guide in the upcoming section might point you in the right direction.

7. How To Choose a Video Production Company For Your Interactive Videos

Choosing the right video production company for your interactive videos is a vital step in ensuring the success of your project. 

Here's an expanded guide to help you take the right decision:

  1. Type of Videos
  2. Budget
  3. Portfolio Quality
  4. Interactivity Support
  5. Additional Costs
  6. Reputation

1. Type of Videos

Determine the style of video you need.

Do your interactive videos call for the charm and creativity of animation, or the realism and connection of live-action?

Companies often specialize in one, so pick one that aligns with your project's style.

2. Budget

It's essential to find a company that fits within your budget.

Get detailed quotes and compare them. Remember, the cheapest option isn't always the best, but neither is the most expensive.

Look for a balance between cost and quality.

Our explainer video cost breakdown can help you set a realistic budget for your interactive explainer videos so your budget doesn’t come in the way of your aspirations.

3. Portfolio Quality

A company's portfolio is a window into their capabilities.

Look for variety and innovation in their past projects.

High-quality, diverse portfolios usually mean a company is adaptable and experienced.

4. Interactive Video Support

Different projects require different levels of interactivity.

Some might need simple clickable links, while others might need complex branching narratives.

Ensure the company's platform can support the specific interactivity your project requires.

5. Additional Interactive Video Costs

Clarify all potential costs upfront.

Ask about any charges beyond the basic production, like additional rounds of edits, special effects, or post-launch support.

This helps avoid unexpected expenses later and keep your budget in check.

6. Reputation

Research the company's reputation.

Look for customer testimonials, reviews, and case studies.

A reputable company should have a track record of satisfied clients and successful projects.

Curious to see some amazing interactive video examples? Look no further.

Our next section covers 30 of the best interactive video examples to inspire your next interactive video.

8. 30 Best Interactive Video Examples

  1. Banqer
  2. Deloitte
  3. Nicky Case
  4. Nespresso
  5. Asurion
  6. Lifesaver
  7. Interactive Coworking Space Tour
  8. LaCantina
  9. “You Vaguely Remember Someone” by Eko
  10. “Workplace War Zone” by EmC Leaders
  11. Nike Air Max Dia Interactive Video
  12. “Mastering Customer Service” by Amazon
  13. “Handling Sales Objections” by The Training Arcade
  14. “My Grandmother’s Lingo” by Special Broadcasting Services
  15. Virtual Art Sessions
  16. “Dead Lonely” by Aardman Studios
  17. NTT Data Corporate Holiday Video
  18. “Future of Spaceflight” by CNN
  19. Invasion Animated VR Film
  20. Getafe Football Club Interactive Store
  21. Vimeo Interactive Video
  22. Vimeo Webinar
  23. Vimeo Interactive Platform Walkthrough
  24. Coors Light
  25. Hortology Quiz
  26. Wirewax + Vimeo Interactive
  27. Jamie Oliver Shoppable Video
  28. Dyson Live Video
  29. Edinburgh Zoo Interactive Video
  30. Global Food Policy Report

1. Banqer 

Did you know that YouTube was the first online video platform to let users upload 360-degree videos in 2015?

Ever since then, YouTube has been the home of many interactive videos of all shapes and sizes.

One such innovative example is this video from the YouTube channel, Banqer.

It embraces the Point-of-View (POV) format of videos with mixed-media animation elements to tell a story in just 39 seconds.

The end-screen feature on YouTube allows this video to be truly interactive by branching the action at the end into three separate short videos.

2. Deloitte

Greeting new employees with a video before they join your establishment has mostly become generic nowadays.

While there has been a switch to branded videos to welcome recruits, it has mostly come at the cost of making the welcome experience feel less personal.

How do interactive videos solve this problem?

This video by Deloitte answers this magnificently.

While preserving the appeal of using videos to make a first impression, they decided to go above and beyond with their welcome video by adding interactivity to it.

Interactivity helped Deloitte showcase their fundamental values to new employees while doubling down on the personalized viewing experience.

3. Nicky Case

According to statistics by Forbes, anxiety disorders affect almost 19.1% of the population of the United States.

That’s almost 40 million people!

Videos can help spread awareness regarding anxiety but interactive videos take this a step further.

Here’s Nicky Case’s interactive video to demonstrate this.

It cleverly introduces the interactive elements in the video as the neurons found in the human brain.

As you interact with the elements, it loosely simulates the working of the neurons.

It then urges viewers to interact with the elements depicting a human brain suffering from anxiety, giving an accurate glimpse into how anxiety disorders affect the brain.

By using animation and interactivity, the video takes a light-hearted approach to talk about anxiety without sacrificing on the brevity of such mental disorders.

4. Nespresso

According to Hubspot's blog on product videos, 73% of consumers who watch a product video will make a purchase.

It’s because product videos give a chance to virtually demonstrate a product to prospective consumers and show them how it meets their needs.

However, interactivity enhances the experience by letting the consumers control the demonstration to their liking.

Nespresso leverages this concept perfectly in this interactive video.

This video showcases their coffee-making system and uses interactive elements to appeal to first-time users and existing customers alike.

Based on how viewers interact with the video, the product demonstration alters accordingly, giving it a more dynamic viewing experience that leaves no stone unturned.

5. Asurion

Another great aspect of demo videos, especially product demo videos, is their ability to answer various questions that consumers may have regarding a product.

By turning these questions into FAQ videos, consumers can quickly get their queries answered.

What happens when you add interactivity into the mix?

We’ll let Asurion show this with their interactive FAQ video.

With the help of interactive elements, it reimagines the buyer’s journey of a consumer looking to purchase speakers and answers their common questions.

With interactive infographic elements that pop up at appropriate places, the video does a great job of informing while entertaining at the same time.

6. Lifesaver

The American Heart Association strongly recommends learning CPR as it saves lives during unforeseen emergencies.

But learning a hands-on medical procedure like CPR requires physical demonstration.

While there are instructional videos on CPR that virtually demonstrate the procedure equally well, the question remains.

How do you strike a balance between the virtual and physical when it comes to medical procedure demonstrations?

Lifesaver Organization saw an answer to this question with interactive videos.

They decided to turn their video landing page into an interactive platform that teaches CPR in a truly unique way.

The interactive elements enable viewers to interact with real scenarios where the need to administer CPR is required, contributing to a more realistic learning experience.

7. Interactive Coworking Space Tour

Here’s an innovative interactive video example from Groundswell that reimagines the concept of a virtual tour.

Hosted on MindStamp, It starts off by giving the viewers the chance to learn about their coworking spaces and what it has to offer by interacting with a menu (as can be seen here). 

The call-to-action buttons on the menu are specific so as to not confuse the viewers during their interactions, giving them everything they need to know through a single video. 

8. LaCantina

Here’s another brand that took advantage of interactivity to revamp their virtual tour experience.

LaCantina uses this interactive video to give viewers a more immersive display of their door and facade designs.

Hosted on Eko, it starts by walking viewers through the interactive layout of the video. 

It primarily uses on-screen interactive elements to help viewers explore aspects of LaCantina’s door designs in more visual detail.

9. “You Vaguely Remember Someone” by Eko

What happens when you mix a bit of interactivity into a conversation between two human beings?

You get this video by Eko titled “You Vaguely Remember Someone”.

The interaction is based on a realistic premise of meeting someone after a long time and trying desperately to recall who they are.

Interactivity turns this dilemma into a fun game where the actions taken by the viewers decide the outcome of the interaction.

With several interactive elements leading to unique outcomes, the video beautifully captures the various possibilities of interactions as they unfold in real life.

10. “Workplace War Zone” by EmC Leaders

It’s time brands let go of the hard sell when it comes to selling their corporate training modules.

How can interactivity help brands do this? This example might give some answers.

EmC Leaders, along with the help of The Interactive Story, made use of interactivity to increase the sales of their Emotional Intelligence Masterclass.

Interactivity in particular helped EmC adopt subtle persuasion that engaged customers and gradually introduced them to their ideals and values.

The interactive elements in the video lets viewers choose between traditional responses and empathetic responses, each leading to any one of the three alternative endings of this video.

But the endings come with a powerful incentive. 

By providing viewers with a free guide to developing emotional intelligence, it acts as a sales funnel genuinely convincing viewers to purchase their masterclass.

Impressed by the examples so far and want an interactive video for your business?

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11. Nike Air Max Dia Interactive Video

Feel like designing your own products requires you to learn fashion design from scratch?

If so, the good folks at Nike bring this experience to life with this interactive video.

It takes viewers on a journey of designing a Nike Air Max Dia, one of Nike’s popular footwear products.

To add authenticity to the experience, they take the help of Barbara Malewicz, a famous Parisian fashion designer and let viewers interact with her using various on-screen elements.

Interactivity lets viewers have full control over how they design their Air Max Dia’s.

Nike also subtly directs their viewers to their online store to purchase an Air Max Dia in case a viewer likes the design, which makes the video an effective source of lead generation for the brand.

12. “Mastering Customer Service” by Amazon

A survey by Synthesia on training videos found that for 97% of respondents, videos were an effective tool to help employees retain information they receive during training.

This is also true for customer service training videos as well.

Amazon decided to take their customer service training to the next level by adding two key elements to their training video.

Interactivity and animations.

These additions helped Amazon spark new life into their customer service training and also engage their employees in new and unique ways.

13. “Handling Sales Objections” by The Training Arcade

Just as we saw, interactivity can make your training content stand out in ways never seen before.

And just like Amazon, The Training Arcade understood the power of interactivity to turn an ordinary sales video into a more engaging training experience.

In collaboration with Vyond, the video simplifies the challenges in handling sales objections and turns it into an interactive progression.

If you want your sales training to be more dynamic and comprehensive, The Training Arcade has shown that interactive videos are the way to go.

14. “My Grandmother’s Lingo” by Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)

According to a blog on gamified learning by LearnLight, one of the benefits of gamified learning is its ability to offer real-time feedback.

And interactive videos take full advantage of this aspect of gamification in multiple scenarios, ranging from language learning to employee training.

For instance, the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) used interactivity to gamify the process of language learning in this video.

The use of headphones and a microphone give real-time feedback to viewers when they interact with the video.

The prompt in the beginning that states, “every new word you learn unlocks a new chapter” is a subtle nod to the video’s gamified aspects.

15. Virtual Art Sessions

Here’s an example that not only lets you enjoy a virtual art exhibition but also lets you interact with it.

The interactivity comes in the form of an option to experience the video on your web browser or on a VR console.

It uses advanced 3D animations with abstract visual effects to make the viewer feel like they’re a part of this virtual art exhibition.

It lets the viewers choose a character at the beginning as various options to interact with the video, with each character leading to a different experience with the video.

16. “Dead Lonely” by Aardman Studios

Do you know how the famous “choose your own adventure” concept of video games came to be?

It all started when a man named Edward Packard published a children’s gamebook called Sugarcane Islands in 1976.

It was one of the first forms of interactive media during the 1980s.

Ever since then, this concept has lived on in the form of interactive media and today’s modern video games.

Here’s one such example, brought to you by Aardman Studios which lets viewers help a zombie find his lost true love in a post-apocalyptic world.

The interactive elements preserve the appeal of the classic “choose your own adventure” concept and build upon it with cartoon animated characters.

17. NTT Data Corporate Holiday Video

Want to see how interactive videos transform the appeal of an animated holiday video?

Look no further than this corporate holiday video from NTT Data that takes a unique approach to convey holiday vigor.

It uses 3D cartoons that have a close resemblance to the claymation style of animation.

NTT Data uses various transparent buttons to incorporate interactive elements throughout the video but they don’t stop there.

They cleverly integrate their products throughout the video and give viewers the chance to click on them to learn more.

A classic example where interactive video branching enables NTT Data to subtly introduce their products but not at the cost of conveying a holiday message.

18. “Future of Spaceflight 360 Video” by CNN

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”

You’re probably familiar with this historic quote by Neil Armstrong when he became the first human being to set foot on the moon in 1969.

CNN decided to celebrate this iconic moment in history with a 360-degree interactive video.

It takes viewers on a trip down memory lane, exploring the various important landmarks in human space travel ever since Apollo 11.

All the while, it gives viewers the option to interact with the 360-degree features of this video to enhance their viewing experience.

19. Invasion Animated VR Movie

Did you know that “The Cinema Machine” was the first interactive film released in 1967?

Interactive films have evolved significantly ever since then.

One such example is this short animated movie made by the directors of Madagascar and narrated by Ethan Hawke.

The short film is designed to be viewed using VR tools for a more immersive experience and better utilize the interactivity in the film.

Have a look at how an alien invasion turns into a chance encounter with the help of interactivity.

20. Getafe Football Club Interactive Store

An article by Smartzer claims that 40% of marketers are turning to shoppable videos to increase sales and convert prospects into customers.

It’s because the interactivity that shoppable videos provide plays a huge role in simplifying a customer's buying journey by letting them navigate through products as they see fit.

Here’s an example from Getafe Football Club that demonstrates this really well.

It takes you through their merchandise store and lets you navigate it through an on-screen menu (as shown above).

Interactivity enhances the virtual buying experience, where the POV style makes it seem like the viewer is a customer visiting and looking around Getafe’s store.

21. Vimeo Interactive Video

Imagine if an interactive video platform could show its interactive video hosting capabilities in an intuitive yet faster way?

Vimeo is one such platform and they do just that in this interactive video. 

They give viewers the options to navigate through Vimeo’s interactive video features and get familiar with it.

Using on-screen elements and an interactive menu, Vimeo shows their interactive capabilities based on the path you choose.

They make the viewing experiences more engaging by revealing individual interactive features along the way using text animation.

By balancing features with demonstrations, it not only keeps the viewers engaged, it also helps them explore interactive content in much more depth.

22. Vimeo Webinar

The E-learning statistics by Codeless points out that video content helps people learn something in 40-60% less time.

Simply put, video content is a powerful tool to learn something quickly without sacrificing on important details.

But when you add interactivity to learning content, things get even more interesting.

Vimeo once again took the help of video to take their viewers on a tour of their interactive platform, Vimeo Interactive.

Interactivity starts with a clickable menu on the top left corner of the video which lets viewers interact with the video as they see fit.

Talking about their interactive video platform while also letting users try it out for themselves helps reinforce the learnings from the video while also providing for an engaging viewing experience.

23. Vimeo Interactive Platform Walkthrough

Videos can be a great tool to virtually showcase immersive demonstrations, from physical products to technical SaaS offerings.

But what does interactivity add to the mix?

Vimeo explores this in this walkthrough video on their interactive platform, demonstrating their interactive platform to their viewers.

Using various motion graphics elements coupled with stock footage, they show viewers what’s truly possible with interactivity but in realistic terms.

And they don’t stop there.

They also use interactive elements in the video to elevate the practicality of their platform’s demonstration. 

Letting users get familiar with Vimeo’s interactive platform in real time.

24. Coors Light

Let’s see how interactivity helped a beer company’s advertisement feel more than just a generic awareness campaign.

The “CoorSlide” campaign by Coors Light uses interactivity to subtly promote their light beer using intricate animation inspired by graphic design elements.

Taking the help of the good folks at Dirty Work, this campaign was more about showing Coors Light’s transition to new marketing initiatives in light of adopting remote work. 

But blending animation with interactivity unlocked more creativity with this video, giving this campaign a more humorous perspective while also keeping its original premise intact.

25. Hortology Quiz

For those who don’t know, hortology is “the craft, art and science of gardening”. 

While getting familiar with basic hortology can come from trial and error, we see a more unique (and interesting) approach to teaching hortology in this video.

Interactivity has turned this short 42-second educational video into a fun quiz where the viewer interacts with the on-screen options and learns the basics of gardening in the process.

26. Wirewax + Vimeo Interactive

Along with providing native support for uploading interactive videos, Vimeo has a dedicated interactive video platform called Wirewax as well.

But Vimeo decided to go the extra step to show a demo of Wirewax by adding interactive elements throughout the video.

The kinetic typography along with the fast paced animation and interactivity makes this software demo video engaging and entertaining.

While still giving viewers a complete picture of Wirewax and how they can use it for their interactive videos.

27. Jamie Oliver Shoppable Video

The shoppable video statistics by Lemonlight found that 41% of viewers add products to their cart as a result of shoppable videos.

As we saw in the case of Getafe Football Club’s video earlier, shoppable videos can be used to display products of all kinds, ranging from football merchandise to cooking utensils.

In this example, we see world renowned chef, Jamie Oliver, cook up a dish and take you along the cooking journey.

But it’s the interactivity that makes the viewing experience feel even more engaging. 

By cleverly adding clickable hotspots of the cooking utensils as Jamie Oliver uses them, it directs the viewers to his online store where they can purchase the utensils directly.

Shoppable videos have presented a clever way of converting viewers into customers using genuine, subtle persuasion in this video.

28. Dyson Live Video

We have seen time and time again how videos are a great tool for product demonstrations.

84% of people say they’ve been convinced to make a purchase based on a brand’s video.

Interactive videos enhance the experience of product demonstrations even further, giving viewers the power to personalize demonstrations based on their choices.

This is exactly what Dyson has done here.

Notice the plus signs throughout the video. These are interactive elements that change the route of the video based on your choices.

The vertical aspect of this video also optimizes interactions on a mobile device, which further shows the versatility of interactive videos.

29. Edinburgh Zoo Interactive Tour

It’s safe to say that visiting a zoo is a fun and engaging experience, regardless of how young or old you are.

But what if you’re visiting a zoo for the first time and don’t know your way around?

The Edinburgh Zoo decided to give first time visitors a helping hand with this interactive video.

While using video to give people a virtual tour of their zoo was the right step, it is interactivity that takes the credit here.

Using clickable elements makes watching the video almost feel like navigating through a map of Edinburgh Zoo.

This not only shows them around the zoo, but also makes the viewers feel like they’re at the zoo in real life.

30. Global Food Policy Report

Most reports related to climate change and food policies (to name a few) are just a Google search away.

But when you go deeper and attempt to read a report, you immediately hit a roadblock.

You find that most reports are either too lengthy or are filled with complex, technical terms that require further explanation.

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) took the first step by turning their 2022 Global Food Policy Report into a video to make things easy to understand.

But to help viewers navigate through their lengthy report, they took the help of interactivity.

They break down their report into small chapters, each with their own clickable element as shown here.

This helped IFPRI present their report’s major findings in a much more intuitive way, giving viewers the power to navigate to particular sections as they see fit.


As we've journeyed through the fascinating world of interactive videos, it's clear that this medium is more than just a fleeting trend. 

From understanding their fundamental nature to exploring stellar examples, we've seen how interactive videos are changing the way we consume and engage with content.

The power of interactive videos lies in their ability to transform passive viewers into active participants which enhances engagement and deepens the connection between the content and its audience. 

The tools and techniques we've discussed provide a roadmap for anyone eager to dive into this innovative form of storytelling.

Remember, the world of interactive videos is constantly evolving.

What works today might be surpassed by even more engaging methods tomorrow. 

The key is to stay curious, keep experimenting, and always be ready to embrace new ways of interaction.

And it's our commitment at Broadcast2World to help you achieve your marketing goals using videos.

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