What is Video Marketing? Definition, Benefits & Best Examples

Mar 22, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Your content can reach almost every Internet user today at the click of a button.

It’s no wonder why many B2B brands have turned to videos in recent years.

With our statistics showing businesses investing 21% of their marketing budget on video content every year.

Translation: Videos are the key to unlocking your content’s peak visibility.

As for how your brand can do it, that’s what we’re here to find out.

In this blog, we'll demystify what is video marketing and explore its numerous benefits, its different types, and some best examples along the way.

Showing you how it’s one of the best tools to create an impactful message that brings your audience closer to your business. 

Incorporating a video feedback tool can further enhance your video marketing strategy by gathering valuable insights from your audience.

  1. What is Video Marketing?
  2. Why is Video Marketing Important?
    1. Effective Engagement
    2. Boosts Conversion Rates
    3. Improves SEO Rankings
    4. Versatile and Shareable
    5. Builds Personal Connection and Brand
  3. Benefits of Video Marketing
    1. Enhanced Brand Recall
    2. Expands Reach to Mobile Users
    3. Facilitates Higher Social Media Engagement
    4. Enables Detailed Product Demonstrations
    5. Supports Email Marketing Campaigns
    6. Improves Customer Testimonials
    7. Enhances Learning Experience
  4. Types of Video Marketing
    1. Explainer Video Marketing
    2. Brand Video Marketing
    3. Product Demo Video Marketing
    4. Testimonial Video Marketing
    5. Tutorial Video Marketing
    6. Interactive Video Marketing
    7. User-Generated Content Video Marketing
  5. 10 Best Video Marketing Examples
    1. Burger King
    2. Mirego
    3. Visa
    4. Shopify
    5. Slack
    6. Salesforce
    7. Google
    8. Starbucks
    9. TED-Ed
    10. Reddit

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is a strategic approach that involves using videos to market your offering to your target audience.

what is video marketing

Its effectiveness lies in its ability to convey messages through a combination of visuals, sound, and storytelling. Which evokes emotions, and makes complex information easier to digest.

Why is Video Marketing Important?

The average person is bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information daily. 

Which makes capturing their attention more challenging than ever. 

This is where video marketing steps in as a game-changer for B2B brands. 

Here are some compelling reasons why video marketing is so important:

1. Effective Engagement

A Videos for Business Statistics from Vidyard found average retention rates for videos to be more than 54% across several use cases.

video retention video marketing statistics

Video content has the ability to stop the scroll and make audiences take notice of what you’re saying. 

Not to mention, it quickly and efficiently engages your potential customers long enough to influence their purchase decisions.

2. Boosts Conversion Rates

The latest conversion rate statistics from Promo found that videos lead to an 86% increase in conversions when added to landing pages.

video conversion rates video marketing statistics

Videos provide a clearer understanding of your B2B offering in a short amount of time. 

In other words, it turns the merits of your product into visual content that’s easy to follow.

Thereby increasing the likelihood of purchase, which reflects in the form of elevated conversion rates.

3. Improves SEO Rankings

Latest SEO statistics by DigiExe found that videos are 50x more likely to be organically ranked in Google than text-based results.

The reason is quite simple: Search engines favor content that keeps viewers on a page longer.

In that regard, videos can significantly enhance SEO by increasing dwell time on your website landing page.

Leading to your online content ranking higher in search results and reaching more online visitors.

4. Versatile and Shareable

Video content can be repurposed across various platforms, including websites, social media, and email marketing.

repurposing in video marketing

On the other hand, videos can be that one primary medium through which you attract an audience to your B2B business from all your marketing channels.

We call this the Video-First Approach.

Simply put: If your goal is to maximize reach and get substantial ROI on your B2B marketing efforts, videos are the way to go.

5. Builds Personal Connection and Brand

Hubspot’s Video Marketing Statistics found 36% of marketers turning to videos for building brand awareness and reaching new audiences.

video marketing for brand awareness statistics

Videos allow for storytelling that can humanize your brand, show your company values, and build a community around your brand’s vision. 

This fosters an emotional connection with viewers that can convert them into loyal customers and retain them in the long run.

Benefits of Video Marketing

While video marketing is important and we saw a couple of reasons as to why that is in the previous section, it’s far from the bigger picture.

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits that video marketing brings to the table:

1. Enhanced Brand Recall

A great example of brand recall using videos can be seen with video ads.

With recent statistics from ColorWhistle finding that 80% of users recall a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days.

video marketing brand recall statistics

Video content is more memorable as it uses visuals and audio to help viewers retain more information.

And when we consider the B2B space, brand recall is the most important aspect that keeps your customers coming back for more.

2. Expands Reach to Mobile Users

Online Video Consumption Statistics from Gitnux found that more than 78% of people watch online videos every week and 55% watch videos everyday.

online video consumption statistics

And a majority of these viewers use their smartphones to consume videos.

Video marketing gives B2B brands an avenue to reach users who prefer quick and engaging content, generally in a mobile-friendly format.

As mobile consumption continues to rise, video marketing for B2B is evolving with the needs of mobile users.

Enabling brands to directly reach users where they visit the most.

3. Facilitates Higher Social Media Engagement

A study on Video Marketing by DemandSage found that 66% of people saw short-form videos to be the most engaging form of social media content.

shorty-form video social media video marketing statistics

This statistic is not surprising considering most social media platforms have become video-centric now, with an inclination towards short videos.

Examples like YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels are doing their part by embracing the perks of short-form video marketing.

The thing is: Videos are more likely to be interacted with, commented on, and shared. 

Which makes them a prime medium to drive higher engagement rates for your B2B brand and foster a loyal audience on social media.

4. Enables Detailed Product Demonstrations

Doesn’t it seem like almost every brand is going with videos for their product demonstrations?

You’re not the only one to notice this and Product Demo statistics from Rivia.ai back this up.

It found more than 96% of B2B companies planned on using videos for their product demos in the coming years.

And there’s a very good reason for this video marketing trend.

Videos can showcase products in action while comprehensively highlighting features and benefits.

This can answer queries and doubts, moving potential customers closer to a purchase decision.

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5. Supports Email Marketing Campaigns

If you have your doubts on using videos in your email marketing campaigns, consider this.

According to recent video email marketing insights from Campaign Monitor, using videos in your emails:

  • Increases open rates by 19%
  • Increases click rates by 65%
  • Reduce unsubscribe rates by 25%

The reason why videos work so well in emails? 

Videos provide a more interactive experience for your subscribers, making your emails appealing and worth the reader’s time.

6. Improves Customer Testimonials

We have established, beyond a doubt, how videos are a great way to draw your audience in.

But you can also use your present audience to attract future prospects.

And you can do that, you guessed it, using testimonial videos.

Videos give you a means to share the actual experiences of satisfied customers in their own words.

This provides relatable and trustworthy social proof that will influence how well prospective customers trust your brand.

7. Enhances Learning Experience

People retain 95% of the information they consume visually.

And the best way to see this in action is the impact video marketing has on learning experiences.

Infact, Kaltura’s Video Education Study found 91% of educational institutions putting their trust in video to increase student satisfaction.

It’s a similar story when you move from the classroom to the conference room.

With the majority of corporate organizations relying on training videos in their employee training curriculums.

Videos are flexible when it comes to presenting learning methodologies according to various learning styles. 

Making it easier for people to understand and retain information, whether it's about a product, service, or employee training content.

Types of Video Marketing

Video marketing can take many forms, each serving different purposes within a marketing strategy. 

Here's a breakdown of the most common types of video marketing used by brands:

1. Explainer Video Marketing

Go-Globe’s Explainer Video Statistics show 97% of brands use explainer videos to help their customers understand their business better.

And as it turns out, explainer videos are the most common implementation of video marketing.

These videos are designed to explain your company’s product or service in simple terms. 

They often address a problem, present a solution, and explain how your value proposition works, usually in a fun and engaging way.

2. Brand Video Marketing

These videos aim to build brand awareness and promote your company’s vision to prospective customers. 

In other words, brand videos are all about crafting an authentic narrative surrounding your business that resonates with customers and builds trust with them.

3. Product Demo Video Marketing

These videos showcase how your product works. 

Essentially giving users a feel for your products before they experience it in person. 

Product demo videos walk customers through your product’s features and benefits in a concise yet engaging way. 

Helping them understand its value and how it solves their problems.

4. Testimonial Video Marketing

Like we saw in the previous section, testimonial videos are a great tool to acquire social proof and build brand credibility. 

These testimonials can come in many forms: 

The numbers back this up, with video testimonial statistics from Moast.io showing 79% of people learning more about a B2B brand after watching a testimonial video from them.

testimonial video marketing statistics

If you aren’t using testimonial videos in your business, you’re seriously missing out.

5. Tutorial Video Marketing

Tutorial videos can help you teach your B2B audience something new or build the foundational knowledge they’ll need to better understand your business and solutions. 

Perhaps the best implementation of tutorial video marketing is how these videos can position your B2B brand as a thought leader in your industry. 

If you want to play the long game in building trust and authority, tutorial videos should be your first choice.

6. Interactive Video Marketing

An interesting implementation in B2B video marketing comes in the form of interactive videos.

A survey on Interactive Videos by Spiel found 87.7% of people noting an increase in online sales after incorporating interactive video.

interactive video marketing statistics

These videos allow users to change the outcome of the video based on the options they choose on-screen.

And within interactive videos come varieties, like 360-degree videos, VR/AR videos, etc.

They're particularly useful for virtual tours, realistic product demos, or creating an immersive brand experience personalized for the viewer.

7. User-Generated Content Video Marketing

Speaking of recent implementations, user-generated content is also gaining traction.

UGC Statistics from Search Logistics found 79% of people relying on user-generated content to make a purchase decision.

user-generated content video statistics

UGC videos, just like testimonial videos, further solidify the authenticity of a brand.

In fact, UGC videos are more likely to be referred to prospective customers due to their subtle nature. 

Essentially extending your brand reach through the user’s networks into untapped demographics.

10 Best Video Marketing Examples

1. Burger King


Your customers stick by your brand because you make them feel valued and welcomed.

And your brand’s visual appeal (or brand image) plays a huge role in this.

While a rebrand won’t entirely hurt that sentiment, it might impact customer’s perception of your brand.

Which is to say: Having a consistent brand image is crucial, even while rebranding.

Burger King shows you how to do that with this kinetic typography video.

Made by STIR in collaboration with Jones Knowles Ritchie, the video gives you a highlight reel of the things Burger King is known for. 

One look at the video and things are clear.

This rebranding is meant to pick the best aspects of an already recognizable brand and take it to new heights.

2. Mirego


Let’s run with the appeal of typographic animation for a bit with this next example.

Designed as a company introduction video, Mirego sets the record straight here by introducing their brand for their audience.

It covers how their brand consistency is maintained across their website while also exploring their future goals and aspirations.

Notice how the video uses animation to make viewers feel like they're part of Mirego’s journey instead of just witnessing it.

3. Visa


Products and services come in all shapes and sizes.

From a brand perspective, they generate revenue and take the business forward.

But from the customer’s perspective, they’re bound to confuse them.

Why? Too many options lead customers to run in spirals looking for the right service that will solve their needs.

Visa took it upon themselves to clear the mist surrounding one of their services with this financial explainer video.

It does more than just talk about how their offering simplifies merchant payments.

Using character animation, it builds confidence among customers for trusting Visa for their financial transactions.

Helping their customers make the right decision in the process.

4. Shopify


It’s always an exciting day at the office when you add new products and services to your business.

Wouldn’ it be great if your consumers felt your excitement too?

Let’s take some pointers from this video from Shopify.

It wastes no time talking about their new feature and how it makes their ecommerce platform more useful.

They could have easily talked about the technical aspects of this new feature and called it a day.

Instead, they show how it benefits users and improves their ecommerce experience.

Like we always say: Benefits over features always win.

5. Slack


Imagine this: You just started using a new software.

The basics are obvious enough that you get started immediately. 

Until you come across features that feel alien and you don’t seem to know how to use them.

If only there was a short video that cleared things up for you.

That’s how many SaaS brands help their new users navigate their software more easily.

And this software demo video from Slack is a great example of this.

It simplifies the premise right from the start by picking one important aspect of their software (Slack Channels).

And giving viewers a rundown on how it makes the Slack experience feel more intuitive.

6. Salesforce


Like we saw for Mirego, introducing your business using videos is a great way to get new users on board.

And taking this idea forward is this mixed-media video from Salesforce.

It quite literally answers the question of what Salesforce is and shows it’s primary functions as a CRM software.

It uses a blend of real people over a punchy and vibrant animated backdrop to make the video enjoyable and more relatable. 

Turning Salesforce’s message into a visual story that’s hard to take your eyes off of.

7. Google


In case you haven’t noticed: AI is making its way into everything.

Terms like “generative AI” and “natural language processing” are thrown around like they’re your everyday normal words.

So Google decided to simplify things for AI users in this motion graphics explainer video.

The video uses really immersive visual design to show the use of generative AI in learning.

It breaks down the content into steps, each with its own unique animation and color palette.

Such attention to detail makes for a very fun viewing experience where you also learn something new along the way.

8. Starbucks


Whenever applicants come across a new job opening in an organization, one question seems to always pop-up.

“What will it be like to work at the organization I’m applying to?”

Video marketing has given brands a new way to answer this question for new hires.

And this example from Starbucks is exactly what we’re talking about.

It features the testimony of an actual Starbucks employee and gives you real insights into working there.

Along with that, it gives new hires the confidence to be their own, unapologetic self when applying to Starbucks.

9. TED-Ed


Here’s the best part about having a video marketing strategy.

You can embrace the art of subtle persuasion as and when required.

It quickly turns audience interactions into a genuine conversation that is far more appealing and effective.

We see it clearly in this 3D animated video from TED-Ed.

It addresses the issue of lack of motivation and offers actionable steps to get back your will to work.

The use of contrasting and subtle colors, coupled with the 3D animation make you feel like TED-Ed is talking directly to you.

It’s not everyday you see a video give remedies to a problem while also making it an insightful watch.

10. Reddit


Back in the good old days, it didn’t take much time for new users to get familiar with a social media platform.

Mainly because they were relatively simple and offered a limited set of functionalities.

But the same can’t be said for social media platforms today.

If you’re a new user, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by how advanced social media has become.

Seeing this, Reddit decided to solve the plight of new “redditors” with this animated video.

It jumps straight into how the social media platform is designed and how new users should interact with it.

Talking about subreddits, their voting systems and everything in between.

Now new users won’t be left scratching their heads every time they open Reddit.

Thanks to the power of video marketing.


Video marketing is a dynamic and versatile medium for brands to connect with their audience. 

From understanding what video marketing is to uncovering its significant benefits and various types, we've seen how video content can captivate and engage viewers like no other. 

The examples we've discussed not only serve as inspiration but also as a testament to the power of videos in crafting compelling narratives that bring audiences closer.

Simply put: The potential of video marketing to bring your story to life is unparalleled.

The future of marketing is visual, and with the right approach, your brand can shine brightly in this ever-changing digital landscape.


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