30 Best Motion Graphics Video Examples: Learn How Top Brands Captivate

Jan 5, 2024 3:00:00 AM

In a world where attention spans are declining and competition is fierce, motion graphics videos have emerged as a powerful tool to attract, convert, and delight your customers.

With eye-catching animations and engaging storytelling, motion graphics can convey complex ideas compellingly. 

Whether you're looking to attract your audience with educational videos, create a product explainer video to increase your conversions, or support your customers with product demo videos, motion graphics is key to standing out in the crowded digital landscape.

This blog will explore the best motion graphics video examples across the customer buying cycle and analyze them to learn how we can tell great brand stories.

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  1. What are Motion Graphics Videos?
  2. Best Motion Graphics Videos that Attracted Audiences and Build Brand Awareness
    1. Qualcomm
    2. Small Business Insurance
    3. Breaking Down Walls | Airbnb
    4. Make Your Impact With Deloitte
    5. What Will The Future of Jobs Be Like?
    6. Use Microsoft 365 Apps for Free
    7. New Business Drive | All In a Day's Work
    8. Where Work Happens: The Big Pitch
    9. AI Everywhere: Applications and Examples
    10. Quantum-Centric Supercomputer of 2023
    11. Introducing G Suite
  3. Best Motion Graphics Videos that Explained Messages and Increased Conversions
    12. Airbnb Introduces The Bélo
    13. Smart Warehouse At Deloitte
    14. Department of Homeland Security-Meet You In The Mission
    15. Atlassian Welcomes AI To The Team
    16. Copilot for Microsoft 365
    17. Slack: Communication Without Chaos
    18. Future Vision: Adobe Firefly
    19. Intel's New Transistor Architecture: RibbonFET
    20. What is Twilio?
    21. A New Era for AI and Google Workspace
  4. Best Motion Graphics Videos To Support Your Customers and Build Brand Loyalty
    22. Many, Many Thank You's | Airbnb
    23. Introducing The New Zendesk
    24. Deloitte's MXDR Video Demonstration
    25. Keep Your Project Organized With Microsoft Loop
    26. Organize Your Conversations in Slack
    27. Over 150 New and Updated Features | Mailchimp
    28. Sign-Up for Google Workspace (Beginner's Guide)
    29. Uber Driver Onboarding
    30. "Community Standards" by Facebook

What are Motion Graphics Videos?

Motion graphics is an animation technique that provides movement to graphics and text elements with audio if required to communicate a message or tell a story. 

Unlike traditional videos, motion graphics videos rely heavily on animation and visual effects to convey information visually appealingly.

These videos are often used in marketing or training campaigns to engage and captivate audiences, as they can simplify complex ideas and make them more accessible.

Motion graphics videos can be tailored to suit different platforms and formats, making them highly adaptable for websites, social media, mobile apps, and more.

Motion graphics videos are created using specialized software like Adobe After Effects

Depending on the desired outcome and budget, these videos can range from simple 2D animations to more complex and intricate visual effects.

In summary, motion graphics videos effectively communicate ideas, engage audiences, and enhance brand storytelling through visually appealing animations and effects.

Best Motion Graphics Video Examples That Attracted The Audience and Built Brand Awareness

Building awareness is crucial in growing your brand, and motion graphics videos can play a significant role in achieving this goal.

Creating visually appealing educational videos and animated social media ads can attract your target audience and drive significant traffic.

Let’s study some great examples of brand awareness videos that tell compelling stories, evoke emotions, and drive shareability on social media platforms.

But remember, when creating motion graphics for social media, optimize your videos for mobile viewing and use captions or subtitles for silent autoplay.

1. Qualcomm


This motion graphics video uses infographics and character animation to showcase how Qualcomm aims to help machines see and understand like humans. 

Unlike traditional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), their Gauge Equivariant CNNs (G-CNNs) can analyze image data on any curved space or geometry on-device itself.

This means highly efficient AR, VR, autonomous car, and drone experiences. 

Hear a high-level explanation in this animation video, narrated by Professor Max Welling, Vice President of Technology at Qualcomm Technologies Netherlands B.V.

2. What if Small Business Insurance Was Affordable?


Running a small business is hard enough without dealing with over-complicated, time-consuming, and expensive insurance. 

That’s where NEXT comes in. 

This quirky 15-second motion graphics ad tells a story of simplicity and affordability, standing out with a strong call to action:

Switch to Next™ and save on your Business Insurance.

Get Your Business Insured Online with Next Insurance.

Simple. Affordable. Tailored

3. Breaking Down Walls | Wall & Chain | Airbnb


This motion graphics brand awareness video tells the powerful story of Airbnb guest Cathrine, who, in May 2012, took a trip to Berlin with her father, Jörg, a Berlin Wall guard at the height of the Cold War. 

She wanted to show him the vibrant city Berlin had become, but the man they met at their Airbnb apartment changed everything for Jörg. 

Such entertaining stories build an emotional connection with your audience and spread like wildfire on social media to help you build brand awareness.

By effectively employing these strategies and utilizing motion graphics videos, you can stand out, attract your audience, increase brand awareness, and create a strong foundation for brand growth at the top of the funnel.

4. Let's Do This | Make Your Impact With Deloitte


This motion graphics commercial from Deloitte talks about how it's not just about the tech because technology implemented without a crystal-clear business focus can't yield its true value. 

This video highlights how their people - behind the tech - help transform organizations and are powered by collaboration - among themselves, clients, and the world's most progressive digital companies. 

They play the long game, investing in their clients and people and creating the future workforce.

Using 3D animations and transitions, this video powerfully delivers the message of “Make Your Impact” from Delloite.

Below is the extended version of the same video:


5. What Will The Future of Jobs Be Like?


This motion graphics video effectively educates about the Future of Jobs report that maps the jobs and skills of the future, tracking the pace of change. 

The video aims to shed light on the pandemic-related disruptions in 2020, contextualized within a longer history of economic cycles and the expected outlook for technology adoption, jobs, and skills in the next five years. 

This brand awareness video is produced by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.

6. Free To Be Free: Use Microsoft 365 Apps for Free


This 30-second motion graphics commercial from Microsoft is a communications package filled with fun, creative metaphors and glossy images of the many benefits of Microsoft 365’s suite of tools.

The video showcases that you can be free with the free versions of Microsoft 365 apps on the web and mobile.

Create your way with Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneDrive, Outlook, and more. 

The strategy with commercial videos is simply to stand out from the crowd and leave the audience on a cliffhanger that drives traffic to your website to gather more information.

7. New Business Drive | All in a Day's Work


This short story revolves around an entrepreneur trying something new when traditional marketing tactics fall flat. 

All in a Day's Work is an animated comedy series about life's ups and downs and sometimes painful truths as an entrepreneur or small business owner, only from Mailchimp Presents.

These kinds of motion graphics videos, also called snackable videos, entertain your audience and help with brand awareness and retention.

8. Where Work Happens: The Big Pitch


This animated teaser video communicates that no matter what work you do, you can do it in Slack, where work happens.

This video uses kinetic typography with a fast-paced music background to deliver the message in 15 seconds.

Such videos are purely used to intrigue the audience and divert the traffic to respective landing pages or lead generation on social media platforms.

9. AI Everywhere: Applications and Examples


This motion graphics awareness video from Intel showcases various examples of where AI can help drive progress further than imagined and projects that used Intel software to get there.

The video talks about how AI can help break boundaries in what can be achieved in industries such as agriculture, sports, space exploration, and animation.

This video demonstrates real examples, including projects that used Intel AI software.

Intel contributes to open-source AI software tools and frameworks and adds its own extensions to optimize real-world AI workloads on Intel hardware.

10. The 100,000 Qubit Quantum-Centric Supercomputer of 2033


This motion graphics video talks about the vision at IBM to scale quantum systems to a size where they’ll be capable of solving the world’s most challenging problems.

And to get there, IBM has set its sights on a key milestone: deploying a quantum-centric supercomputer powered by 100,000 qubits by 2033.

This video is a beautiful mix of stock footage, infographics, and 3D animations showcasing the possibilities of quantum computing.

Such brand awareness videos help you build brand authority and thought leadership in your space.

11. Introducing G Suite 


This promotional video uses a motion graphics technique called frame-by-frame animation and a poetic anthem to Introduce G Suite, intelligent apps that make working together easier, for faster decisions and better business results. 

The story is themed around “where this is how it can be” showing powerful transformations and inspiring the audience for action.

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Best Motion Graphics Video Examples That Explained The Message and Increased Conversions

Explaining your message effectively is crucial in converting potential customers into paying customers.

Motion graphics videos provide an opportunity to simplify complex concepts, showcase product features, and highlight the benefits of your offerings in a visually engaging manner.

When explaining your message, simplicity is key. Keep your videos concise and focus on the most important points.

Focus on showcasing the benefits and value your product or service brings to the customer.

By emphasizing the benefits, you can create a sense of urgency and motivate viewers to take action.

Whether it's signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or contacting your sales team, make sure your CTA is compelling, visible, and easy to follow. 

12. Airbnb Introduces The Bélo


This brand video from Airbnb uses a motion graphics technique called kinetic typography to deliver the meaning of their symbol powerfully - At Airbnb, we imagine a world where you can belong anywhere—introducing the Bélo.

Airbnb, via this video, shares their brand values and how they have been incorporated into their logo carefully, and by doing this, you generate a feeling of trust, which helps you convert better.

When, as a brand, you share your belief system with the world, you connect with people who share the same values, and that drives loyalty.

13. Smart Warehouse At Deloitte


This explainer video uses mixed media motion graphics to introduce the concept of “The Smart Warehouse,” a shared 45,000 square-foot operational facility that utilizes a private 5G network to demonstrate modular, agile, low-risk, and secure Smart Warehouse solutions.

The video from Deloitte showcases the application of 5G capabilities by enabling Smart Warehouse technologies, including autonomous mobile robots, cellular tracking tags, and cameras for facial recognition, all synchronized through a warehouse control system.

14. Department of Homeland Security–Meet You In The Mission


This case study video from Deloitte again uses mixed media motion graphics techniques to discuss how the US faces new horizons with unparalleled challenges.

And how Deloitte supports them in the mission, helping protect against threats—foreign and domestic, at home and abroad.

The video focuses on how Deloitte is supporting the mission of the Department of Homeland Security to help modernize and protect its critical infrastructure, deploy effective and efficient cross-border processes, and respond to constantly evolving cybersecurity challenges and threats.

Such case study videos help your audience understand the application of your products or services effectively.

Also, talking about specific brands helps build trust with your prospective customers.

15. Atlassian Welcomes AI to The Team | Atlassian


This motion graphics video talks about how Atlassian's mission is to unleash every team's potential and how the future of teamwork will be a partnership between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) wherever work gets done.

The product demo announces that the first wave of Atlassian Intelligence capabilities is generally available across their cloud platform. 

These empower teams by boosting individual productivity and harnessing organizational data to make insights immediately accessible and leverage those insights to simplify data-driven decision-making. 

16. Copilot for Microsoft 365 | Work On


This explainer video introduces Copilot from Microsoft using motion graphics and 3D animations with fast-paced music. 

A 3D cursor with swift transitions driving the story resonates with the message - “Meet your highly capable, always-available, dot-connecting data chaser”. 

Kinetic Typography focuses on how Copilot for Microsoft 365 combines the power of large language models, web search, and your data in the Microsoft Graph and the Microsoft 365 apps.

Such landing page videos can drive massive conversions on your website and generate more quality leads.

17. Slack: Communication Without Chaos


This motion graphics explainer video introduces Slack, a messaging app for teams, which brings all your team communication in one place and integrates with the tools and services you use daily. 

The video uses simple 2D infographic animation to showcase the idea of simplicity that Slack brings to business communication.

It subtly compares Slack to email and how it is more effective with powerful search features.

It is free to use for as long as you want and with an unlimited number of people. 

18. Future Vision: Adobe Firefly


This beautiful motion graphics explainer talks about the future of video editing using Adobe Firefly

It showcases the imaginative new ways Adobe Firefly can bring generative AI into Adobe Video, audio, animation and motion graphics design apps.

See incredible concepts come to life, including text to color enhancements; advanced music and sound effects; stunning animated fonts, graphics and logos; and powerful script and b-roll capabilities. 

19. Intel's New Transistor Architecture: RibbonFET


This motion graphics video from Intel explains their newest transistor architecture, RibbonFET.

This video showcases how, with faster switching speeds, one stack of nanoribbons can get the same drive current in a much smaller footprint than their current FinFET design. 

This futuristic-looking video reinforces the fact that Intel has always been at the forefront of developing exciting new technology for businesses and consumers.

20. What is Twilio?


This motion graphics video from Twilio explains how it makes easy for you to reach your customers span across countries, channels, and continents almost everywhere by simplifying communications. 

The video uses handcrafted character animation to highlights Twilio’s powerful API tools to communicate with customers on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, SMS, Voice, and more. 

21. A New Era for AI and Google Workspace


This motion graphics video uses kinetic typography to showcase new Google Workspace that harnesses the power of generative AI to create, connect, and collaborate like never before.

The video mainly uses on screen text and perspective screenshot animations to demonstrate the possibilities of using AI while working with Google Workspace.

It showcases various powerful prompts that can be given respectively for desired output expectations.

By following these tips and leveraging the power of motion graphics videos, you can effectively explain your message, increase conversions, and drive business growth.

Best Motion Graphics Videos to Support Your Customers and Build Brand Loyalty

Supporting and delighting your customers is essential in building brand loyalty and fostering long-term relationships.

Motion graphics videos can provide support, educate customers, and enhance their overall experience with your brand.

Support your customers by creating troubleshooting and how-to videos that address common issues or challenges they may encounter.

These videos can guide customers through step-by-step solutions, offer troubleshooting tips, and show them how to get the most out of your products or services. 

By providing helpful resources, you can enhance customer satisfaction and build trust.

Use customer data and insights to create personalized videos that address their pain points, offer relevant solutions, and make them feel valued.

Personalization can go a long way in building brand loyalty and fostering a strong customer connection.

22. Many, Many Thank You’s | Airbnb


This beautiful motion graphics video acknowledges the arrival of 500 million guests on Airbnb in 2007. 

The voice also states, “That’s a lot of people putting their trust not only in us but in each other, and we want to continue to honor that trust by working to provide a safer experience for every neighbor, host, and guest”.

This message delivers the feeling of community standing by each other, which triggers a strong brand connection.

Such heartwarming videos help you build brand perception and strong affinity with your people.

23. Introducing The New Zendesk


This motion graphics video introduces Zendesk's new look. 

The brand now features a unified family of products, with new identities they affectionately refer to as "Relationshapes." 

This animated video shows how the shapes represent their products and how their products work together to help build better customer relationships.

Such videos tend to enhance your customer experience further and make them believe that they made the right decision by working with your brand,

By effectively incorporating these strategies into your customer support efforts and leveraging motion graphics videos, you can provide exceptional support, build brand loyalty, and create a positive customer experience.

24. Deloitte's MXDR Video Demonstration


This how-to video from Deloitte uses motion graphics to demonstrate the capabilities of managed extended detection and response by MXDR.

It gives you tools in the hands of a team trained to hunt threats before they become attacks. 

The video illustrates how MXDR combines the power of industry-leading technology with experienced Deloitte teams, providing a modular set of threat-hunting, detection, response, and remediation capabilities.

25. Keep Your Project Organized With Microsoft Loop


How-to videos tend to get boring, but this motion graphics video engages users with smooth, handcrafted screencast animations.

The video showcases how Microsoft Loop helps you keep up with fast-moving projects and keeps evolving to meet your team’s needs.

It highlights various important features like drag-and-drop content and simply adds or removes parts to powerfully deliver the message of flexibility.

26. Organize Your Conversations in Slack


This quick motion graphics video explains how Slack gives you the flexibility to focus on conversations that matter to you. 

It also communicates that using Slack on the Pro, Business+, or Enterprise Grid plan can organize your channels, direct messages (DMs), and apps into custom sections within your sidebar.

27. Over 150 New and Updated Features | Mailchimp


This motion graphics video communicates that Maichimp is thrilled to announce 150+ new and updated features that could help users see up to 39x ROI. 

The video showcases features like personalized emails at scale, dynamic product recommendations, new dashboards to measure success precisely, and 24X7 email and chat support system.. 

Such videos that consistently talk about product innovations to help users accelerate the growth of their business are good for customer retention.

28. Sign-Up for Google Workspace (Beginner's Guide)


This simple motion graphics video focuses on onboarding you successfully to Google Workspce and acts as a beginners’s guide.

This video is for people who have never worked with DNS records before.

It demonstrates how to use the Google Workspace setup tool to keep your domain safe and to route your company's email to Google mail servers.

29. Uber Driver Onboarding


This training video was produced to help Uber drivers take their first trip; it's a step-by-step onboarding video demonstrating how to use the Uber Driver app. 

The two-and-a-half-minute motion graphics animation has a unique illustration style that integrates the app’s interface to familiarize first-time drivers with what they can expect to see. 

Pretty and practical, the animation delivers useful information in a fun and intuitive way that is both welcoming to new drivers and useful to those who wish to polish their services.

This video now sits on the Uber app and social channels as the go-to instruction manual for drivers worldwide.

30. "Community Standards" by Facebook


Moth with Hornet, partnered with Facebook to create a new motion graphics film spotlighting their Community Standards, an effort to better build a safe and productive community for its more than 2 billion members.

The video illustrates the process how Facebook posts are monitored with use of automation and human intervention.

Such support videos help you to build trust with your audience and enhance user experience.

Statistics on the effectiveness of motion graphics videos for brand growth

The effectiveness of motion graphics videos in brand growth cannot be underestimated.

Several studies and statistics below support the claim that videos significantly impact audience engagement, conversion rates, and brand perception.

Now, with a layer of motion graphics, the probability of videos standing out significantly increases.

According to a survey conducted by HubSpot, 72% of customers prefer video content when learning about a product or service.

This preference for video content is further reinforced by the fact that people retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to just 10% when reading it in text.

Furthermore, a study by Animoto found that 73% of consumers are more likely to purchase after watching a video that explains a product or service.

Moreover, 93% of businesses reported gaining a new customer as a direct result of a video posted on social media.

These video statistics clearly support using motion graphics to attract, convert, and delight customers, making them an essential tool for brand growth in the digital age.

Conclusion: Embracing the Potential of Motion Graphics for Brand Growth

Motion graphics videos have revolutionized how brands engage with their audiences, tell their stories, and drive growth.

With their visually appealing animations, storytelling capabilities, and versatility, they have the power to attract, convert, and delight customers at every stage of the buying cycle.

Motion graphics offer endless possibilities for brand growth, from building brand awareness to explaining your message, increasing conversions, and supporting customers.

By utilizing the strategies and tips outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of video marketing and elevate your brand to new heights in the digital landscape.

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