Live Action vs Animation: What’s Right for Your Explainer Videos?

Apr 5, 2023 10:51:06 PM

Which is better, live-action or animation?

This is like asking which is better, jazz or classical music. 

The medium of video is ultimately an art form, even when it doesn’t seem like it.

And just like any other art form, it comes in a dazzling array of styles and formats, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. 

Animation is a wildly diverse and creative format in visual storytelling, one that lends itself especially well to unrestrained creativity and expression.

If the word makes you think about the cartoons you watched as a kid, well, you’re not wrong.

But animation is far more than that, and today, is used in everything from advertising to corporate explainer videos. 

Not only that, but they’re used on all sorts of platforms and spaces, from billboards to social media microblogging and everything in between. 

As an animation studio with over a decade of experience crafting bespoke explainer videos, we’ve worked with clients from all over the world, in all sorts of industries, and of all sizes, from tiny startups to blue chip Fortune 500 juggernauts.

So we have some experience helping our clients navigate the dizzying array of options and choices available to them when they consider animation and video storytelling.

  1. What are Live Action Explainer Videos?
  2. What are Animated Explainer Videos?
  3. Live Action vs Animation: Understanding Key Differences
  4. Live-Action vs Animation: Advantages & Disadvantages
  5. Which Animation Style To Choose for Your Explainer Video? Factors to Consider
    1. Complexity of the Message
    2. Tone and Brand Identity
    3. Explainer Video Budget
    4. Audience

What are Live Action Explainer Videos?

Source: Cottonbro Studio x Pexels

Live action explainer videos use real people, locations, and props to tell a story.

In these videos, actors—whether they're professional or part of your internal team—bring your product, service, or brand to life through genuine human interactions.

This format can make your message feel more personal and relatable, as viewers see real-world applications and emotions in action.

Live action explainer videos are ideal when you want to showcase the tangible aspects of a product, emphasize personal stories, or humanize your brand.

Take this brilliant corporate training video, #ChuckleHeads:


What are Animated Explainer Videos?

Source: Video Jeeves

Animated explainer videos use graphics, illustrations, and animated characters to convey messages.

These videos are highly flexible, allowing businesses to visualize complex ideas, processes, or abstract concepts in a way that’s engaging and easy to understand.

Animated explainer videos are particularly effective when simplifying a product, explaining a service, or breaking down difficult-to-grasp topics.

They’re visually dynamic and can adapt to any tone, making them a favorite for many brands looking to stand out.

A great example of this is this beautifully animated video by HootSuite:


Live Action vs Animation: Understanding Key Differences

Image Source: Freepik

One question that pops up a lot with our clients is whether to use live action or animation to tell a story. 

And the answer is simply that it depends on the message you’re trying to communicate. 

So we thought we’d make this quick guide to help you narrow it down.


Live Action


Visual Styles


Varied styles - Sky’s the limit. You’re essentially limited only by your imagination


Real actors performing for the cameras

Drawn characters imagined and created by artists and animated by a team

Production Process

Filming and post-production

Script / screenplay / storyboard / animation production work

Time and Cost

Expensive and time-consuming

Can be expensive, but less time-consuming depending on factors like length, animation styles chosen, size of the animation team, etc.

Target Audience

Any mainstream general audience

While animation has traditionally attracted a young audience, there’s a level of flexibility and creativity that can be harnessed for videos aimed at prospective customers too

Sound and Music

Recorded on-set or added in post-production

Sound must be created using voice overs / voice actors, Foley art, all sound effects, often accompanied by musical score

Level of Realism

Best suited for a realistic portrayal of real-world scenarios

Animation is highly versatile and flexible, able to depict and explain complex topics like with cybersecurity, SaaS, the medical field, etc.

Special Effects / Stunt Work

Practical stunts and VFX needed, constrained by time and budget

The existing framework of animation and special effects creates the action sequences, which means no real change to the budget - if you can imagine it, you can create it.


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Live-Action vs Animation: Advantages & Disadvantages




Live-Action Explainer Videos

Live-action is great for realism / real-world scenarios like interviews with notable people, podcast episodes and teaser trailers, realistic tours of real estate facilities and event venues, etc.

Live-action shoots require location, planning, lighting and camera equipment, and actors/hosts. This demands planning and time allocated for shoots on location. Even a simple shoot requires time and meticulous planning by an experienced team.

Video in general is unparalleled when it comes to grabbing attention. We are naturally visual creatures who experience the world around us primarily through sight and sound. Numerous studies have confirmed that information communicated in video is easier to grasp, understand and remember, when compared to print or static images.

However, this power does come at a cost. Even a modest project can get quite expensive. It’s important to weigh the costs and benefits before investing. It’s also a good idea to have a strategy in place for how you will showcase and utilize the video once it is created, and measure viewing metrics and analytics to gauge performance.

Animated Explainer Videos

Animation can depict anything you imagine, and you’re not limited by your budget. Depicting a character working in an office setting will take the same time / effort / expense as depicting a character walking on the moon, for example. So you’re free to do anything with the format.

However, in order to pull it off well, you need skilled writers, concept artists, storyboard artists and a good animation team. You also need to work closely with the creative team at all stages to communicate your vision effectively so they can bring it to life. Therefore while the process can be very different from live-action video production, the amount of effort and expense can be broadly the same.

Animation is also a fantastic format for scenarios like employee training and customer user tutorials. It grabs attention easily and has great memory retention, i.e. the information communicated remains fresh in the viewer’s memory long after they’ve watched it once. When compared to traditional methods of training, it’s easily far more efficient, convenient and cost-effective.

That said, animation is an artform, and like any artform, it demands skill and imagination. It’s imperative that you work with a good experienced team who can bring your vision to life properly. 


Which Animation Style To Choose for Your Explainer Video? Factors to Consider

If you decide to go with animated explainer videos, the next step is choosing the right animation style. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but here are a few factors to consider:

1. Complexity of the Message

If your explainer video needs to break down intricate details or abstract concepts, consider 2D or motion graphics for simplicity and clarity. If you're dealing with a highly visual product, 3D animation might be your best bet.

So picking the right style is key.

2D Infographic Explainer

This is the most popular type of explainer video used in business and marketing, both B2B and B2C.

Here's an example from our client, Cervais, and how they attracted more customers to their end-point security solutions using this cybersecurity explainer video.


The use of 2D animation turned mundane numbers into an effective explainer video that demanded attention across every frame.

3D Animation Explainer

3D video is more realistic and specialized. It’s visually realistic, looks amazing– but sometimes can be a tad on the expensive side.

However, for some use cases, like highly technical fields like medical and industrial fields, it’s practically a necessity.

For example, a training or demo video explaining the functions of a medical device. 

Here’s an example from 3Flow and how we helped them get more customers for their fume hood systems using 3D animation


By the way, if you’re confused about the difference between 2D and 3D, here’s a quick and easy-to-understand explanation.

Cartoon/Character Animation Explainer

This refers to the use of a character in your video to tell a story. 

As an example, take a look at this customer testimonial video we made for The Law Offices of Adam J Roa and how it uses character animation to bring one of their client stories to life.


This animation style uses intricate character design to bring intangible emotions to life and make the presentation more relatable to their target audience.

Mixed Media Animation Explainer

Mixed media’s strength is in visually realizing complex topics and issues, and is commonly used for videos that go in-depth explaining topics like politics and news stories, for example. 

Here’s an example from Vanderbilt University and how our series of mixed-media animation videos helped them spread political awareness to their students.


We believe this is the best of both worlds when it comes to choosing live-action or animation for your explainer videos.

Whiteboard Animation Explainer

The whiteboard style is like a secret weapon in animation, in that it’s surprisingly budget-friendly while presenting a polished look that holds attention really well. 

To demonstrate, here’s an example from Santen Pharmaceuticals and how we helped them simplify medical concepts using this whiteboard animation explainer video


But it’s also a great option for those on a budget. Its best uses are for educational and information-heavy subjects.

If you’re wondering how much your whiteboard animation video will cost, check out our detailed blog on pricing here.

Motion Graphics Explainer

Motion graphics is a rather simple and basic style of animation that is useful for videos that don’t need heavy and detailed animation, but rely on a lot of elements like text and static graphics to explain things. 

But it isn’t to say that you can’t get a really great animation made by just relying on motion graphics.

That’s what we helped ApparelMagic do when we created this motion graphics explainer video for their garment manufacturing SaaS product.


Basically our point is…

It works well for explainer videos, too.

2. Tone and Brand Identity

Animation styles like whiteboard videos are great for a professional tone, while character animation can be playful and engaging.

Consider how the style will reflect your brand’s voice. Like many aspects of animation, it’s not so much “which is the best option” but rather, which is the correct option for your specific needs.

3. Explainer Video Budget

Basically, the length and complexity of the animation will impact your cost the most.

The longer the video, the more work involved. And 3D animation, tends to be more expensive than 2D, for example; but the investment may be worth it if you need that extra visual wow factor.

So it’s all about your specific use case scenario.

What do you need to communicate? Who is it aimed at? How broad or narrow is your audience? All these must be taken into consideration. 

To learn more about your explainer video budget, you can check out our detailed breakdown here.

4. Audience

Your target audience plays a role in the style you choose. For younger audiences or more creative sectors, colorful and character-driven animations may be more effective.

For a corporate B2B audience, we’d recommend sticking to cleaner, more straightforward visuals like motion graphics.

For more information about how to pick the right animation style for your project, check out our detailed guide in this blog post.


This is by no means an exhaustive list, of course. But it should help give you an idea of where animation simply works better to explain things easily and clearly. 

Like any format, there are advantages and disadvantages. And even within animation itself, there’s a myriad of graphic styles, and each of those are better suited for certain messaging and moods than others. 

If you’re still confused, don’t worry! When you partner with a good animation studio, their creative team would be happy to help you navigate all the options and ideas and help guide you towards what’s best for your message, budget, and audience. 

Also remember that since animation is ultimately an artform, there’s no set hard rules for what works and what doesn’t. You must be willing to experiment and try new things. 

Remember that it’s ultimately your own message, your own story, and only you can really tell it well.

Regardless of your choice, the key to a successful explainer video is clear messaging, compelling visuals, and a strong connection with your audience.

So, take the time to assess your goals, and choose the format that will best amplify your brand’s story.

Whether it’s live action or animation, great explainer videos can boost your engagement and drive your message home.

The world’s waiting for your story! And it’s time to tell it your way!

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