Uses of Animation: 15 Impactful Examples Across Industries

Apr 20, 2024 3:00:00 AM

Cliché exists for a reason but let’s try to break it.

The masses still think that animation only exists for the sole purpose of entertainment but in reality, there are many uses of animation across industries.

If you’re still wondering ‘Like What!?’ then let me tickle your brain.

Do you know how doctors & surgeons learn to practice complex operations?

Or how does an architect or a builder bring his visualization of a beautiful building to life?

Or the clothes that you might be wearing right now, how do they come to reality?

The basis of all these tasks and many more is animation and of course, entertainment was the thing that gave birth to it and still plays a crucial part in it in many forms like CGI, VFX, TVs, Movies, etc.

  1. What is Animation?
  2. What Are The Types of Animation?
    1. Traditional Animation
    2. 2D Animation
    3. 3D Animation
    4. Stop Motion Animation
    5. Motion Graphics Animation
    6. Typography Animation
    7. Whiteboard Animation
  3. 15 Uses of Animation Across Industries
    1. Animation in the Entertainment Industry
    2. Animation in Advertising
    3. Animation in Education
    4. Animation in Medical Industry
    5. Animation in Architecture
    6. Animation in Engineering and Manufacturing
    7. Animation in Fashion Design
    8. Animation in Storytelling and Journalism
    9. Animation in Tourism & Hospitality
    10. Animation in The Gaming Industry
    11. Animation in Retail
    12. Animation in Training & Simulation
    13. Animation in Event Planning
    14. Animation in Marketing & Branding
    15. Animation in Science & Research

What is Animation?

Animation is the technique of creating an illusion of movement through a sequence of images, whether they are hand-drawn, painted, photographed, or generated digitally.

Traditionally, animations were drawn or painted on transparent sheets to be photographed, but today, computer-generated imagery (CGI) dominates the field.

The key to animation is presenting these images in rapid succession, typically at a frame rate of 24 frames per second for smooth motion.

Animation encompasses various forms, including traditional hand-drawn animation, stop motion animation, motion graphics, and computer-generated 2D and 3D animations.

As technology advances, animation continues to evolve and expand its presence in multimedia and gaming industries.

What Are The Types of Animation?

These are just some of the big ones, but there are tons of other unique animation styles and techniques out there. Let’s have a look-

1. Traditional Animation

This is the classic stuff, like old-school Disney movies.

Artists draw each frame by hand, and when you play them all together, it looks like movement. 

2. 2D Animation

Similar to traditional, but done with computers nowadays.

Think cartoon animation like "The Simpsons" or "SpongeBob SquarePants." It's all about drawing in two dimensions. 

3. 3D Animation

3D animation is where things get fancy.

Instead of drawing, animators create characters and scenes in a digital space, giving them depth and realism.

You've probably seen this in animated movies like "Toy Story" or "Frozen." 

4. Stop Motion Animation

Remember those cool claymation movies like "Wallace and Gromit"?

That's stop motion.

Animators move real objects, like clay figures or puppets, a tiny bit at a time, then take photos to capture each movement. 

5. Motion Graphics Animation

Ever seen those flashy animations in commercials or on YouTube? That's motion graphics.

It's all about making cool visuals to convey information or tell a story, often without characters. 

6. Typography Animation

Typography Animation is about bringing text to life.

Animators play with fonts, colors, and movement to make words and letters do cool tricks on screen. 

7. Whiteboard Animation

You've probably seen these in explainer videos.

It's like watching someone draw on a whiteboard, except it's all animated and magical.

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15 Uses of Animation Across Industries

1. Animation in the Entertainment Industry


Animation is everywhere in entertainment.

Obviously, animation is huge in movies, TV shows, and video games.

From Pixar flicks to epic RPGs, it's all about bringing stories and characters to life in a visually stunning way.

It's not just about cartoons anymore; animation helps create fantastical worlds and brings characters to life, whether it's through traditional drawings or cutting-edge computer graphics.

And hey, it's not just for fun—animation is popping up in news, social media, and even the interfaces of our favorite apps.

2. Animation in Advertising


Ever seen a flashy commercial or an eye-catching banner ad online?

Chances are, it's got some animation going on. Animators use movement and color to grab your attention.

Animation is revolutionizing advertising, offering a creative and effective way to connect with audiences across various platforms.

From TV commercials to animated social media ads and banners, brands are leveraging animation's versatility to engage consumers of all ages.

With the rise of the internet, animated advertisements are becoming increasingly prevalent, allowing brands to create inspiring, funny, and memorable campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

3. Animation in Education

Animation can make learning way more fun.

Whether it's a cute cartoon teaching kids about math or a detailed simulation showing how molecules work, animation helps make complex concepts easier to understand.

This approach not only enhances students' understanding but also allows them to learn at their own pace, reinforcing their comprehension of difficult topics.

From illustrating experiments to creating interactive visuals, animation is revolutionizing classrooms and online courses alike, ushering in a new era of dynamic learning experiences.

4. Animation in Medical Industry


Animation is revolutionizing medicine by offering unparalleled insights into human anatomy and medical procedures.

Through detailed animations, medical students and professionals can study intricate aspects of the body that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye.

Additionally, animation serves as a powerful tool for explaining complex medical concepts to patients, building trust and understanding.

From illustrating disease spread to demonstrating surgical procedures, animation provides a dynamic 3D representation of the human body, enhancing medical education and communication within the field.

5. Animation in Architecture


Ever wonder what a building will look like before it's even built?

Architects use animation to create virtual walkthroughs of their designs, giving clients a sneak peek at the finished product.

With specialized software, designers can virtually visualize room layouts and building designs, aiding in client presentations and pre-construction planning.

Animation allows for early problem prediction and prevention, minimizing potential damage and losses.

It's widely used in architecture and urban planning to thoroughly visualize new buildings, simulate scenarios, and choose materials and construction methods.

Moreover, 3D animation enhances the marketing efforts of the real estate and engineering industries by simplifying design explanations for potential customers and integrating intricate details into proposed plans at reasonable costs.

6. Animation in Engineering and Manufacturing


Animation plays a crucial role in engineering and manufacturing, offering solutions to various challenges.

Engineers utilize animation to simulate the performance of complex systems, such as jet engines, under different conditions, enabling them to compare results and optimize designs.

Moreover, animation facilitates product development by allowing companies to create prototypes and identify potential issues before proceeding to mass production, thereby saving time and resources.

7. Animation in Fashion Design


Fashion designers use animation to bring their clothing designs to life on the runway or in digital presentations.

Animation is also a great tool in your fashion video marketing arsenal.

It helps show off how the fabric moves and how the outfit looks from every angle.

8. Animation in Storytelling and Journalism

Journalism isn't just about words on a page anymore – it's about bringing stories to life with animation.

Whether it's a powerful documentary, an interactive news graphic, or a captivating explainer video, animation helps journalists tell stories in a way that's engaging, informative, and memorable.

It's like adding another layer to the storytelling experience, drawing viewers in with visuals that complement the words and bring complex topics to life.

Plus, animation allows journalists to tackle subjects that might be difficult to capture with traditional reporting, like abstract concepts or historical events.

9. Animation in Tourism & Hospitality


Ever checked out a hotel's website and seen a fancy animation showing off the rooms and amenities?

That's animation at work, making you want to book a stay ASAP.

10. Animation in Gaming Industry


Animation is the backbone of the gaming industry, shaping characters and entire worlds to deliver the excitement and immersion gamers crave.

It's the driving force behind every 3D character and scenario in games, making it a fundamental aspect of game development.

Gaming courses often include animation training due to its integral role in the industry.

It would be an impossible task to find an industry where animation is as extensively used in the gaming industry.

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11. Animation in Retail

use of animation in retail

Animation is becoming increasingly indispensable in the retail industry, serving as a powerful tool for marketers to showcase products and boost sales.

With 3D animation, retailers can vividly illustrate a product's features and benefits, offering customers a clear understanding of what they're purchasing.

This dynamic approach allows for the quick display of intricate details and objects from multiple angles, particularly useful when traditional photography falls short.

Moreover, animation enhances the customer experience by providing interactive product views, customization options, and virtual fitting rooms, empowering shoppers to make informed purchase decisions with ease.

12. Animation in Training & Simulation


Imagine you're learning how to fly a plane. It's not like you can just hop into the cockpit and give it a whirl, right?

That's where training and simulations come in.

With animation, you can experience what it's like to take off, navigate the skies, and land safely, all without leaving the ground.

It's like playing a video game, but with a serious purpose – preparing you for the real deal.

Plus, it's not just for pilots. From doctors practicing surgeries to firefighters learning how to battle blazes, animation helps people train for high-stakes situations without any real-world risks.

13. Animation in Event Planning

Ever been to a concert or a big conference and been blown away by the visuals?

That's event planning at its finest, and animation plays a huge role.

Whether it's jaw-dropping projections on giant screens, mesmerizing light shows, or mind-bending 3D animations, event planners use animation to create experiences that stick with you long after the event is over.

14. Animation in Marketing & Branding


You're scrolling through your social media feed when suddenly, a cute animated mascot pops up, dancing and singing about a new product.

That's marketing and branding in action.

Companies use animation to create characters and visuals that grab your attention, make you smile, and – most importantly – remember their brand.

Whether it's a quirky mascot, a stylish logo animation, or a fun animated short, animation helps companies stand out in a crowded marketplace and connect with their audience on a deeper level.

15. Animation in Science & Research


Science can be pretty abstract sometimes, with all its equations and theories.

That's where animation comes in, turning dry data into dynamic visuals that help researchers communicate their findings to the world.

Whether it's a computer simulation of a black hole, a 3D model of a molecule, or an animated infographic explaining the latest breakthroughs, animation makes science more accessible and exciting for everyone.


In conclusion, animation transcends its traditional role in entertainment, permeating various industries with its versatility and power to communicate complex ideas effectively.

From education to medicine, architecture to advertising, animation serves as a dynamic tool for visualization, storytelling, and problem-solving.

It's not just about bringing characters to life or creating fantastical worlds; animation enhances learning experiences, revolutionizes medical education, facilitates architectural design, and elevates brand communication.

As technology advances, the boundaries of animation continue to expand, opening new avenues for innovation and creativity across industries, and shaping the way we learn, communicate, and experience the world around us.

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