Product Video Marketing: The Ultimate Guide for 2025 (with Examples)

Nov 17, 2021 11:55:03 PM

Each year over 30,000 new products are launched. And out of the total 95% of products fail.

Now, how can you ensure that your product lands in the top 5%? 

Well, you may think of a better product or one that’s unique and valuable for your customers.

But that’s going to get you only halfway through.


The rest half comes from a well-laid product marketing plan for product launch.

It’s because a good product marketing plan can:

  • Help your business/product make an impact on the customers.
  • Help you convey your message better to your target audience.
  • Help you reduce the chances of product failure as customers will know what’s in it for them.

The list goes on and on...

Basically, a good product launch marketing plan helps your product stand out.

And this is what you need to make more sales, generate more revenue, and ensure success.

But how can you create a product launch marketing plan that works?

This is what the article is all about.

Below, you’ll learn about the pre-launch strategies, product marketing launch strategies, and post-launch strategies.

Also, you’ll get all the info for creating a successful product video marketing plan.

Let’s get started.

Getting "Ready" for the Launch 

Yes, a new product video marketing launch plan is important. But do you know what’s even more important?

Crafting pre-launch strategies.

The purpose of pre-launch strategies is to give a glimpse of your product to the customers.

Think of a “Marvel” movie teaser.

Don’t you get curious, overwhelmed, and just can’t wait for the full movie? Marvel fans will say yes.

Similarly, if you show your customers what’s about to come, they’ll stay excited.

And this will help you ensure sales right from the day of launch.

Let’s learn about some video marketing strategies for your product:

1. Bring traffic to your website 

What will a good product do if it doesn’t reach the target customers?

Most brands focus on traffic after the product launch.

Consequently, they end up waiting for months to make their first sale.

But you can prevent this from happening by focusing on traffic right from the start.

There are several options using which you can reach your target customers:

Google Ads

You can use Google to create PPC or pay-per-click ad campaigns. This way, you’ll be charged for every time the viewer clicks the ad. You can monitor paid search campaigns in Google Ads to track their performance and make necessary adjustments.  This will help improve your ROI and ensure your ads are reaching the right audience.   

Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are one of the most versatile options.

You can target individuals based on their specific country, city, age, gender, and interests.

What’s more, you can track all the data by integrating ads with Facebook Pixel.

All this comes at pretty affordable prices. 

That said, you’ll need to point traffic somewhere, right? Your website will be a good idea.

However, you cannot redirect your visitors to any webpage you seem fine with.

A dedicated page or landing page is a better option.   

Tip: Hire a professional SMM to get the job done. Otherwise, you might have to invest a lot of time which could have been used for improving the product.

2. Create a landing page for lead generation

Whether you’re launching a product or service, a dedicated landing page is necessary.

A dedicated landing page acts as the center point to your product or service.

Whenever a user sees your ads(Google or Facebook) or comes to know about your product, the “landing page” is where they will land.

You can also create a referral program or a special offer only for the first few users/customers. Consider leveraging referral marketing software to enhance your program and boost engagement.

This will make them sign up for your email list through your designated registration forms, which is quite useful.

Using the mailing list, you can retarget your audience by sending them weekly newsletters.

You can also inform them about the final product launch.

This way, you can stay connected with your audience, improving the chances of sales.

By using a free email verifier, you can ensure your email list is accurate maximizing the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

Always remember, your email list is the audience you own.

Here are some examples of amazing vlanding pages:

1. App Manager 5.0

Now, this landing page comes with a countdown timer.

One of the psychological factors that work on us humans is urgency.

And this is what exactly App Manager leverages. 

The page is offering special features up to a limited time before the launch.

This will make the visitors sign up for their email list.

app manager 5.0 website landing page


This “Coming Soon” landing page is another good example of a lead gen page.

It works based on a referral program. BEZAR is offering a $10 bonus if you refer your friend and they sign up.

You can also create a referral promotion offering a subscription or gift card.

This way, you’ll compel the user to come for more.

bezar website landing page

For more similar product pre-launch marketing examples, please refer to this link.

Tip: Always avoid free websites and host your landing page on your business domain. This way, you can ensure 100% uptime that improves credibility.

3. Get in touch with micro-influencers 

One important purpose of creating a pre-launch product marketing plan is to send out a word.

And who could be better than influencers?

Influencers talk to, interact, spark interest or influence millions of people each day.

You can partner with one such influencer and send the word out.

However, find an influencer who’s already dealing with your target audience.

This will save you time and effort.

Also, partnering with a micro-influencer will keep you from breaking your bank.

It’s because you can propose a commission-based deal and pay according to the same.

Tip: Make sure to stay away from influencers with fake followers. An easy way to distinguish a fake from a real one is by checking the follower-to-like ratio.

For example, if the influencer has 24K followers, but their post barely gets 100 likes, he’s fake.

4. Unleash your beta testers

No product is perfect, at least not in the beginning.

Therefore, you should get a team of beta testers to review your product or features.

You can release the product for a limited number of users and record the feedback.

Also, you can implement the entire flow of your product video marketing plan on them to ensure it’s flawless.

This way, you can be sure of everything before the product goes live.

See why product launch videos are the perfect way to introduce your product

Why shouldn’t you ignore a pre-launch product video marketing plan?

Here’s why :

  • You can build a reliable audience that you own (email list).

  • You can use the same lead generation landing page for your final product launch.

  • You can eliminate any issues or shortcomings beforehand.

  • You can make better decisions by analyzing the traffic and connecting with influencers.

  • You’ll get an idea of everything that needs to be done. It’ll be less overwhelming when the product is launched.

With that said, let’s now move towards our product video marketing plan.

5 Essentials of a Product Video Marketing Plan

In this step, we’ll focus on the strategies for the product marketing plan (launch).

These steps or strategies are foundational in making your product a success.

So, let’s get started:

1. Identifying the needs of your target users

Who is it that you’re launching the product for?

Obviously, your customers.

Now, if you don’t know what their needs are and how your product will cater to them, the launch is going to fail.

So, identify the needs of your target audience. And you can do this by:

Conducting surveys

By conducting surveys, you can find:

  • What features does the audience like?
  • What they like and dislike about the existing product.
  • How much the audience can pay if a product solves their problems.

This way, you can understand both your audience and your competition.

Social media analytics

You can take the help of social media analytics based on predictive analysis.

Using this, you can understand the needs of your audience and how they respond to your product.

Also, there are studies saying that data from social media analytics is quite accurate when it comes to product purchases.

So, you can rely on it.

Tip: Always reach out to the right people while conducting surveys and for social media analytics. Remember, wrong data never does any good. It only misleads you.   


2. Use animated product explainer videos to deliver your message better

By now, you would know your audience, their problems, and the solutions you need to provide.

Now comes the interesting part: explaining to the audience that your product offers the features and benefits that could help them solve their pain points.

How can you do that?

Via. press releases, text or images, and other options. 

But what’s the most effective way of explaining something to your audience? Animated videos or animated product demo videos.

Brands have used animated videos for product launches for quite a long time.

However, in recent years because of its effectiveness, the use of animated videos has increased. Here are some successful product launch videos:

Stripe: One of the top payment services providers introducing a new feature:


Logitech: One of the top manufactures of computer accessories launching its new advanced wireless mouse:


Pepper Content explaining how it helps produce content:


Check out more animated product video examples to help you better!

What makes animation product videos so effective and popular? 

Videos, in general, have a lasting impact on one’s mind.

And using animated videos, you can make the audience understand and remember exactly what your product can do.

With product animation videos, you can:

  • Include a character that represents the audience.

  • Show the miniature version of your product.

  • Explain how the features of the product become benefits and how benefits solve problems.

This way, you can leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Moreover, 3D product animation services or video animation services are pretty affordable these days.

So you can save a lot yet make an impact.

For deeper insights on how animated videos can help your business, visit here.

Tip: Post your animation videos on all social media channels and your product launch landing page. It’s to maximize reach and to put traffic to best use.

3. Know your competition

The market is literally flooded with products. And as stated earlier, only 5% of the products launched each year succeed.

It’s the reason you need to know who you’re competing against and what you can do to beat them.

Here’s what you need to look for in your competitors:

Target keywords: Find both organic and inorganic keywords that your competitors are targeting. 

You can use powerful tools such as Ahrefs and SEMrush for this task.

Once you do, you can create and include the keywords you discover in your product copy. It’ll significantly help you boost traffic to your website.

Content: Look at the websites and other channels where your competitors post content.

Try to find what format they’re following for blogs or animation videos. You can try to make something similar yet better.

Social media: Pay attention to their social media handles.

Look at how frequently they post and how many followers they garner.

It’s to help you understand the social media marketing strategy.

Fill the gaps: Find the areas where your website, content marketing strategy, backlinks, or even the product lacks.

Once you have it all accounted for, you can prepare yourself for the battle well.

4. Defining your Unique Selling Point

The USP is what makes your brand/product unique.

It helps your potential customers understand why your product is better than the competitors. 

Therefore, creating a USP is essential for any successful product marketing plan. 

Here’s what your product USP should be around:

  • Your customer’s requirements.
  • What you offer to your customers.
  • Unique benefits that your product offers.
  • The trust from your brand.

Tip: Never copy a USP from your competitors. After all, the USP makes your product/brand unique.

5. Spread the word loudly 

Once you have understood your audience and competition and created your USP, it’s time to spread the word.

You need to let the maximum number of people know about your product.

Here again, you can use:

  • Micro-influencers: Similar to the pre-launch phase, you get in touch with influencers.

    You can ask them to engage the target audience using live sessions and educate them about the product.

  • Email Marketing: The emails you collected using the landing page are now your warm audience.

    You can use email marketing for retargeting them and letting them know about the product launch.

  • Digital PR: Digital PR works like magic when you want to increase your brand presence.

    It’ll help you send well-crafted press releases online for high-quality backlinks to your landing page.

    This will help you reach tens of thousands of people in a short time.

    If you are a crypto company and unsure where to start, consider working with an experienced Web3 PR agency that can effectively position your brand through strategic press releases and online placements.

  • Webinars: Launch a free webinar for your audience and offer some valuable information.

    Also, educate them about the product. This way, the audience will get value, and you’ll get their attention.

Point to remember: A good product can change the fate of your company.

So, make the product launch look like a huge event. However, always keep the budget in mind.  

Post-Launch Product Video Marketing to Ensure Consistent Product Sales

The product is live and ready to generate revenue.

So, should you go and party?

Nope, there’s a lot at hand even now.

The post-launch period holds as much importance as the pre-launch and launch period.

And it should necessarily be a part of every product marketing plan. Here’s what you need to do:

 1. Take Feedbacks, analyze and improve 

No product goes out as perfect.

There have to be some issues which only customers can tell you about.

Take feedback from customers: Ask for users to leave genuine feedback along with reasons.

You can use social media platforms to gather comments, or even emails would work.

Also, take feedback from strangers and not from relatives. After all, they won’t care to sugarcoat the feedback, which will help you improve.

Analytics: In this phase, you need to analyze the user behavior around the product.

Now, this analytics data gives you info that isn’t available with feedback. Among various metrics, you want to focus on:

  • Geolocation
  • Referral data
  • Product Page visit
  • Action taken

Improve: Once you take the feedback and analyze the data:

  • Find areas that require improvement.
  • Act upon those areas and implement changes.
  • Introduce updates or relaunch the product if necessary.

Point to remember: To optimize your Automotive Customer Feedback Platform, take customer feedback seriously, acknowledge it, and make the necessary changes. Also, always prefer strangers over family and friends for feedback.

2. Never turn product marketing down

Although you did marketing in the pre and during the launch, it should never stop.

Who knows, you might have missed a large chunk of your target audience, right?  

So, make sure to market all the time.

Fortunately, even if you’re short on budget, you can go for inbound marketing.

It requires less investment and brings quality inbound leads.

Here are some things you can do post-launch to enhance your product marketing plan and bring leads:

  • Social media
  • Blogs
  • Emails

3. Post-Launch Maintenance and Support

Most brands never set up a maintenance system immediately post-launch.

But believe it or not, a dedicated support system is necessary as soon as your product hits the market.

It’s because if your customers/investors face an issue, they shouldn’t be left astray. 

So, ensure to set up a dedicated team holding expertise in the product.

This way, even if an issue arrives, it’ll be dealt with immediately.

And this will increase your brand’s value both in the eyes of your investors and customers.

Marketing Plan for Product Launch 

Make sure to consider the importance of a pre and post-launch product marketing plan.

Every step has its own importance and determines your brand’s success.

You can use the pre-launch strategies to gather insights or plan things better.

During the launch phase, you can use the planning from the previous phase.

And in the post-launch phase, you can handle your traffic, issues, and investors.

All in all, a product marketing plan for launch is foundational for your product’s success.

So, invest time in the above points and elevate the chances of your success.


A well-planned product marketing plan for launching a new product can do wonders, provided you follow the steps right and include animation videos.

You can connect with Broadcast2World for crafting product launch animation videos.

Broadcast2World has helped hundreds of businesses successfully launch their products with our end-to-end animation solution.

So, connect with us now, and let’s work to get your product to succeed.



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