50+ Best Animated Explainer Videos Every Business Should See

Jul 30, 2019 3:11:54 PM

Regardless of what industry you’re in, there’s one thing we can all agree on: The business world is all about solving problems.

If a problem exists, sooner or later someone will come up with a clever solution, or at least an improvement that cuts costs and improves efficiency. 

So it all seems pretty straightforward: innovate a solution and sell it! But the struggle doesn’t end there.

Selling your solution can be even more difficult than inventing it in the first place. 

Complex problems rarely have simple solutions. And complex solutions rarely have simple explanations.

This makes it a huge hassle to communicate your offering to potential customers.

This is exactly where explainer videos come in. They help make your brand stand out, get noticed, and—most importantly—be understood by your audience.

In this blog, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about animated explainer videos: why they’re essential, their key elements, and some top examples from brands that have nailed it.

  1. Why Explainer Videos are Essential for Your Business
  2. The Role of Storytelling in Explainer Video Production
  3. Key Elements of an Effective Animated Explainer Videos
  4. Best Explainer Video Production Examples
    1. Toms
    2. LYFT
    3. Qualcomm
    4. Slack
    5. Fiverr: Another Generic Recruitment Video
    6. GE: Ecomagination
    7. CNN: Blue
    8. Barclays
    9. Studio River: Manifesto
    10. Android: Be Together, Not The Same
    11. Honda
    12. Evil Blood
    13. McVitie’s: Sweeter Together
    14. Slack: Work, Simplified
    15. Petco: Holiday Wishes
    16. Volkswagen
    17. American Express: Imagine What You Could Do
    18. Chipotle: Back to the Start
    19. Admiral Multicover
    20. Honda: Paper
    21. Heinz: Beans
    22. AirBnB: Wall & Chain
    23. Cadbury: Scrème Egg
    24. Lyft: Life Is Better When You Share the Ride
    25. AirBnB: Cycling Experiences
    26. TalkTalk
    27. AirBnB
    28. Metro Trains Melbourne: Dumb Ways to Die
    29. Save The Children
    30. Toggl
    31. Smarty
    32. Bank of Queensland
    33. Daloopa
    34. CRED
    35. Klarna
    36. Visa AI
    37. Aquacard
    38. Indeed
    39. KeyCard
    40. Nest
    41. #ChuckleHeads
    42. Cisco: Ransomware
    43. Apple
    44. Asana
    45. Goldi
    46. Virgin Media Security
    47. Plastic Change: Fin City
    48. Edeka: Heimkommen (Coming Home)
    49. IBM
    50. Lego: The Lego Story
    51. Rubik’s Cube
  5. How to Create the Best Explainer Videos for Your Business

Why Animated Explainer Videos are Essential for Your Business

In an age where attention spans are shorter than ever, explainer videos offer a powerful solution to connect with your audience quickly and effectively.

Why spend paragraphs of text explaining your product when you can show it in a 90-second video?

Animated explainer videos cut through the noise, delivering your message in a way that’s engaging, memorable, and shareable.

They not only grab attention but also help increase conversions, improve brand recall, and even boost your SEO rankings.

In short, if you’re not using explainer videos, you’re missing out on a vital tool in your marketing arsenal.

But it’s not as simple as throwing together some visuals with a voiceover and calling it a day. There’s a secret ingredient you cannot forget.

The Role of Storytelling in Animated Explainer Video Production

Every company has a story to tell. And that’s not just a gimmicky marketing buzzword, it’s true.

We’ve all heard the stories about how Amazon and Google were started in their founders’ parents’ basements, or how Ferrucio Lamborghini started building supercars because his Ferrari kept breaking down. 

Everyone loves a good story. That’s why the entertainment industry is so massive. One study says the value of the media market worldwide is projected to reach closer to 3 trillion USD.

And at the heart of every great explainer video is a compelling story. Storytelling isn’t just an added bonus—it’s the driving force that makes these videos so effective. 

A well-crafted story gives your message structure, meaning, and emotional impact.

It allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level, turning what could be a forgettable information dump into an engaging narrative that resonates with viewers and makes a lasting impact.

The key is to keep your story simple yet relatable, with a clear problem and solution that your product or service provides.

This approach not only keeps viewers hooked, but also makes your message more memorable.

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Key Elements of an Effective Animated Explainer Videos

Creating an animated explainer video involves a lot more than just throwing together some visuals to go with a script.

There are several key elements that can make (or break) your video’s success:

  1. Clarity of Message: Your video should have a clear and focused message that’s easy to understand. You may be tempted to throw in everything but the kitchen sink with your script, but remember the old adage “less is more.” That definitely applies here.
  2. Engaging Visuals: The animation style should align with your brand and be visually appealing to your target audience. Whether it’s 2D animation, 3D animation, whiteboard animation, or mixed media animation, the visuals need to complement the story. Remember that your visuals aren’t just filler to accompany the script. Rather, the script and graphics work together, each amplifying the other’s impact.
  3. Compelling Script: Your script should be concise, engaging, and written with your audience in mind. Every word should serve a purpose. It’s also important to “speak your audience’s language” and try to see things from their point of view, not yours. What problem does your offering solve? How does it make your customer’s life better and easier? Making that “gut level” emotional impact makes a bigger difference to your audience than a long list of features and tech specs. The question to ask yourself is, are you really addressing your audience’s problems, or just delivering a dry list of tech specs and product features?
  4. Professional Voiceover: A great voiceover can make a big difference in how your message is received. Choose a voice that fits your brand personality and speaks directly to your audience.
  5. Strong Call to Action (CTA): Don’t forget to include a CTA that tells viewers exactly what you want them to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or purchasing a product.

50+ Best Animated Explainer Video Examples

1. Toms


If there’s a perfect example of what brand videos are all about, this would be it.

The viewer is treated to a heartwarming, engaging story that unfolds like an adventure.

And that story is simply about the vision and foundation of the company, but told in a way that gives it personality and humanity.

And that’s what good brand story videos are really all about.



Another fantastic example is by LYFT. Visually dazzling and slick, the cartoon animation style cleverly incorporates the brand’s colors into the art and takes us on a ride, telling us the story behind the ride-sharing app. 

Notice how the story focuses only on people: the passengers, the drivers, and the entrepreneurs behind the app.

It’s not really about vehicles being widely available, or about sustainability, or convenience.

Which brings us back to that all-important key factor in brand videos: it’s about humanizing the brand, expressing your company’s identity and personality, and telling your brand’s story.

3. Qualcomm


Sometimes, your offering can appear deceptively simple on the surface, but staggeringly complex under the hood.

This means that explaining why your offering is so good, can be quite a challenge.

This is where animation really shines. In this brand explainer video by Buck, Qualcomm cleverly breaks down and explains the benefits of low latency in 5G.

The video does so in a light-hearted and simple way, such that nearly anyone can understand it easily.

This is a great example of how animated educational videos can easily explain complex concepts.

But all without boring or overwhelming the viewer with too much information, either.

4. Slack


This is one of our all-time favorites, and with good reason. 

Looking and feeling more like a Pixar animation than an explainer video for businesses, this stunningly beautiful 3D animated video for Slack draws us into a fantastical imaginary world of strange but cute beings, all trying to get to work just like us. Until one day, one of them comes up with a brilliant idea. 

But how can they make this idea a reality? 

As we follow their adventure, there’s no narration or dialog, just gorgeous animation.

And we see our clever little heroes communicate in real time, sharing ideas and feedback, and coming together to create something magical.

Thanks in large part to communicating well.

When we say animated videos– even those for business– are more art than science, this is kind of what we’re talking about!

5. Fiverr: Another Generic Recruitment Video


Don’t be afraid to use humor, and even make fun of yourself!

When done right, humor is a powerful tool to help grab attention, stand out from the sea of noise, and even entertain your audience, no gimmicks are needed. 

This hilarious and sarcastic video by Fiverr roasts all the stereotypes of the typical boring corporate recruitment videos, all while setting Fiverr apart in its culture. 

It also speaks clearly to the younger generation that loves meta, self-referential humor like this, which gives us a clue about the kind of talent they’re trying to attract.

6. GE: Ecomagination


Is global capitalism really compatible with creating an environmentally sustainable future?

Or are they fundamentally diametrically opposed and our best hope is a sort of middle-ground that nobody will be happy with?

GE doesn’t think it has to be this way, and they’re quite serious about their messaging.

But it’s a complex issue with many facets. This cannot be solved by simply rolling out a software patch, or switching to paper straws with our morning coffee. 

So to cover all the bases within just a couple of minutes, they used animation to communicate this complex message effectively.

The visuals are stunning and creative, using an artstyle that’s decidedly not very corporate but decidedly more artistic, looking hand-painted and with a lower framerate to make it feel more raw and organic.

We especially love the metaphor of an airplane flapping bird-like wings with engines on them!

These 3D animated videos uses the power of storytelling and imagination to great effect. Or shall we say, ecomagination?

7. CNN: Blue


Sometimes, an animated video doesn’t necessarily have to tell a brand story.

It can be educational and informative, and still be entertaining-- like this brand promotion video from CNN.

Beautifully animated with lush visuals, this infographic video simply shares some interesting facts about the color blue.

And while it entertains and captivates the viewer, it also establishes CNN as a brand with a distinct personality and style with an impression that lasts long after you’ve finished watching the video.

8. Barclays


What starts out as a pretty straightforward and serious recruitment ad, quickly takes a turn for the surreal.

Subverting the tropes and stereotypes, this amazing video shows fairly typical scenes where people suddenly disappear– falling through trap doors, being kidnapped by masked mercenaries from the ceiling, or unwittingly stepping into a limo disguised as a taxi– all to reveal that Barclays is “quietly recruiting” the very best talent out there. 

It’s a simple concept, taken to truly cinematic, action-movie levels of execution.

And it definitely gets your attention and makes its point loud and clear. Or rather, in this case, subtly and quietly!

9. Studio River: Manifesto 


Kicking off our list is this unapologetically loud and proud animated video from Studio River in France.

It’s dazzling, it’s crazy, it’s funny.

And most importantly, it showcases the studio’s uninhibited creativity and spirit, embracing its own weird and wonderful culture and style, and screaming it to the world. 

10. Android: Be Together, Not The Same


We absolutely love this adorable character video for Android. It is one of the best video storytelling examples in this list.

It’s a story based on the simple rock-paper-scissors game, of all things!

The characters are beautifully 3D animated, and the story delights and surprises at every turn– until the reveal at the end that our differences shouldn’t just be tolerated, but celebrated. 

This is what we mean when we talk about the power of storytelling for business!

11. Honda


So Honda has been hard at work making diesel engines better.

Now stop for a moment.

Ask yourself: how exactly would you talk about this in a way that’s interesting, or even entertaining?

Especially to the layperson who’s not particularly interested in that big noisy thing that makes trucks run and belches out smelly fumes?

The answer, of course, is that you use the power of animated storytelling.

A compelling hook to grab the viewer’s attention (“Can ‘hate’ be good?”), draws you into a cleverly-written script.

Pair that with really beautiful, imaginative visuals, and it all comes together, like the parts of a well-oiled machine.

Or rather, a well-oiled machine that doesn’t pollute as much or make as much noise. 

A little imagination goes a long way!

12. Evil Blood


How exciting can the promo video for a book possibly be? See for yourself!

In storytelling there’s an important rule: show, don’t tell.

This is a great example of a commercial video that does just that.

Starting with a flow of blood filling into the shape of a book, the mood is set right away.

As the pages flip and literally come to life, we’re treated to a blend of traditional and text animation, with an array of elements teasing the story– all while giving away next to nothing about the book itself.

It’s the best kind of preview or trailer, where you’re left with enough teasing hints but the story isn’t spoilered or ruined. 

Hollywood could learn a thing or two from this trailer!

13. McVitie’s: Sweeter Together


No matter what your business or industry, it’s ultimately always all about the people, and our relationships with them.

We’re an inherently social species, and scientific studies show that we need social interaction literally as much as we need food and water. 

That’s where this lovely video for McVitie’s really shines.

It’s all about how we bond over food together, like having a tea break with co-workers.

But what if that’s not possible? 

The story in this animated video shows us a lonely crane operator working high above the ground, disconnected from his co-workers and friends.

Fortunately, it has a sweet ending, with a heartwarming message coming through loud and clear. 

Think about what makes this really work.

It’s that the story is not just about the sweet treat itself– it’s about the experience of sharing them with your friends.

It all comes back to the human experience.

14. Slack: Work, Simplified


Another brilliant example of the storytelling rule “show, don’t tell.”

This slick animated commercial animated video for Slack has no words or text, starting out cluttered and chaotic, and in black and white.

And then this world switches to Slack and everything’s in color, and flowing smoothly and cleanly.

With imagination and style, the message conveyed is just how much better your workflow goes using Slack.

And notice how it does this without mentioning a single tech spec or feature. 

Take notes, this is how you do it!

15. Petco: Holiday Wishes


As we keep saying, the secret ingredient that turns mediocre videos into a true artform, is storytelling.

And here, in Petco’s holiday video, we see this in full effect.

We can’t help but be drawn into this heartwarming story, worthy of being a Pixar short, with beautiful and soulful stop-motion animation.

We don’t want to spoil the story, it’s one you really must watch for yourself and enjoy the full effect. But trust us on this, it’s worth it.

The story neatly brings us to the core message: that gifts are great and all, but somehow, it’s even better to give than receive. The call-to-action at the end encourages the viewer to donate gifts to pets in need.

16. Volkswagen


How do you possibly make a commercial video for car servicing feel exciting? Through the power of animation, of course!

With a little imagination and playfulness, Volkswagen Service made their ad campaign fun, and even entertaining.

We all feel like our cars have personality, but this takes it to the next level.

This fun 3D animated video has us following anthropomorphic cars zipping around town and getting a spa-like tune-up at the service center.

Even if you’re not into cars much, it awakens the kid inside all of us. 

17. American Express: Imagine What You Could Do


When we swipe our credit card, we don’t really think about the hidden world of technology that makes it work.

We just hit “approve” and go on with our day.

This cute character 2D animation video for American Express gives us a peek behind the curtain and shows us the level of ingenious innovation that makes this complex system work so smoothly and flawlessly.  

What makes this video really click, however, is that it tells a story using a personable friendly main character, drawing us into this nebulous and complex world, all without overwhelming us with too much technical information.

This is no accident, but a good example of the power of storytelling animation for business!

18. Chipotle: Back to the Start


Chipotle is a Mexican restaurant franchise that prides itself on its authentic, wholesome ingredients and core company values.

They don’t see themselves as another fast-food chain with industrial assembly-line style mass food production.

This beautiful animated video, with a distinctly unique stop motion style, achieves this without coming across as preachy or snobbish about these values.

In fact, it doesn’t even have a spoken word voiceover, instead letting country music legend Willie Nelson serenade us in his signature style, raw and unpolished. 

It’s a stellar example of the storytelling rule “show, don’t tell.” 

19. Admiral Multicover


Life is inherently unpredictable. Things rarely go to plan. What do you do when disaster strikes? 

Insurance is an inherently pessimistic kind of industry, and most of us don’t really like to think about the “what ifs” of valuable possessions breaking and needing expensive repairs or replacements. 

So this gorgeous 3D animated video for Admiral Multicover uses comedy and storytelling to lighten the mood, entertaining while delivering its message.

The characters are delightful and cute, the comic timing is perfect, and the video does a great job of reminding you to get insured– without resorting to tired old doom-and-gloom tactics common with most insurance commercial ads.

20. Honda: Paper


Honda is already well-known as being one of the world’s largest and oldest auto manufacturers, manufacturing everything from little mopeds to huge SUVs.

So reminding us of this wouldn’t be telling us anything we don’t already know. 

So they went a different tack with their “Paper” video: Showcasing their ingenuity as the centerpiece of their storied history and heritage. 

And the captivating animation is suitably out-of-the-box and creative, using hand-drawn stop-motion that starts with a sketch of an engine on paper.

The animation even includes the animator’s hands manipulating the shots, just to underscore that this isn’t CGI, and hinting at Honda’s mastery of their engineering and innovation. 

It grabs and holds your attention and interest, keeping you keenly watching till the end, as it takes you on a journey through time, all without a single spoken word needing to be said.

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21. Heinz: Beans


Here’s a challenge for you. 


How do you make beans interesting? Captivating and entertaining, even? There’s nothing particularly special about them. It’s hardly a premium gourmet treat. Beans are just… beans. Right?

Well, that’s where the art of storytelling comes in. It’s not just the gorgeous 3D animation that makes this video so special, it’s the heartwarming story of a plucky main character who’s simply obsessed with beans and lands his dream job at Heinz Australia.

You simply can’t help but be drawn into this story and root for the goofy and lovable protagonist, like you’re watching a movie on the big screen.

This all proves that with a good story, anything can be made interesting, heartwarming and even entertaining– even a simple can of beans.

22. AirBnB: Wall & Chain


The best animated commercial videos take you far beyond merely selling a product or bragging about their brand.

They tell a real human story that touches you on a heart level, without coming off as cliché or crassly exploiting sentimentality. 

AirBnB is a brand that takes this seriously, striving to be authentic.

So they used a true story from one of their own users. All to underscore the message that they’re all about people, connections, and relationships. 

To really bring the story home, they got artistic and used the beauty of animation, rife with simple but powerful visual metaphors and symbols. 

If you’re not moved by the end of this beautiful character animation video, we recommend you check your pulse!

23. Cadbury: Scrème Egg


For Halloween, Cadbury launched this special edition stop-motion animated video for their iconic Crème Eggs.

And we have to say, nobody’s blended horror and comedy so well since Cadbury put milk and chocolate together!

Adorably cute but chillingly dark, our helpless squeaking protagonists are fleeing a Crème Egg-zombie apocalypse of John Carpenter proportions.

The animation is so good we forget it’s animated. 

And just when all hope seems lost, the story dramatically shifts into a Michael Jackson’s Thriller-esque music video with choreographed dancing.

Making faceless eggs dance like zombies convincingly is only more evidence of the animation team’s amazing skills.


24. Lyft: Life Is Better When You Share the Ride


We keep mentioning how storytelling is not just important, it’s the secret ingredient that takes your video to a whole new level altogether.

And you need no more proof than this lovely video for Lyft

As a brand, Lyft loves to set itself apart from its competitors by focusing not on the utility of a taxi service, but on the magic of meeting new people when you ride-share.

In this beautifully animated character video by Academy-Award winner John Kahrs, we see an unlikely hero: an elderly widow, driving her husband’s beloved classic muscle car around town to run her errands.

A cruel twist of fate throws her well out of her comfort zone when this car meets the end of its road.

She reluctantly buys a new car but of course it’s not the same, because her old car held powerful memories and a special place in her heart. 

However, a whole new world slowly opens up for her as she tries ride-sharing, and begins to enjoy meeting new people that she would never have interacted with otherwise.

The connections she makes aren’t superficial, either, as she finds out in the story’s climax and heartwarming ending. 

As an additional bit of fun trivia, the original song by artist Sir the Baptist for the video was written and performed by Lyft driver-turned-recording, who launched his music career after a connection with a Lyft passenger!

What we can take away from this amazing video is pretty clear: If you want to really connect with your customers, go beyond merely speaking to their minds with a sales pitch. Connect with their hearts, through a good story.

25. AirBnB: Cycling Experiences


AirBnB makes this list again with this absolutely gorgeous animated video.

There’s something fundamentally immersive about riding around on a bicycle, exploring a new place.

And AirBnB jumps on this idea and takes us on a joyride, inviting us to experience the magic.

We love the bold colors and dazzling graphics, smooth 2D animation, and perfect choice of music.

It just inspires us to leap out of our chairs and head out on a road trip.

26. TalkTalk


The most talented marketers know that regardless of your industry or offering, what you’re really selling is a good experience.

And one way to do that is, again, by telling a good story.

TalkTalk is an internet service provider in the UK who commissioned this gorgeous stop motion animated video.

It reveals a heartwarming and fantastical story of figurine toys in doll houses and igloos dealing with loneliness– until wireless connectivity enables them to all talk to each other and be connected again. 

Notice how there’s no talk of internet speeds or competitive rates or anything like that.

Just a cute story that warms the heart and builds a sense of trust with the viewer.  

27. AirBnB


Airbnb usually focuses on celebrating guests in their ads, but this video takes a different, more emotional turn.

Instead of spotlighting the guests, it highlights the real-life heroes—Airbnb hosts.


Because it takes a commendable creative route.

It uses animation to share three inspiring stories of hosts going above and beyond for their guests.

You’ll hear about a host who saved guests from fire and even burned herself, but still came back from the hospital and cooked a feast for her guests.

Another story features a host who helped guests return home safely during a war, and the third one shows a host rescuing a guest from a cliff by calling 911.

The animation brings these heartfelt stories to life with warm, human-like figures, lively visuals, and a fitting soundtrack. 

The top-notch voiceover ties it all together, capturing the warmth and heroism of these incredible hosts.

28. Metro Trains Melbourne: Dumb Ways to Die


The "Dumb Ways to Die" campaign by Metro Trains Melbourne is a standout example of an effective video marketing campaign. 

Launched in 2012 in Melbourne, Australia, this cute cartoon animated videos uses colorful characters engaging in absurd, yet attention-grabbing scenarios that illustrate risky behaviors around trains. 

The campaign effectively decreased risky behaviors near train tracks and stations, contributing to a significant reduction in accidents. 

Its success lies in combining humor with a serious message, making it engaging and shareable among the common people.

And when we say success, we mean the video went mega-viral, racking up over 300 million views and counting—a perfect example of how to make a viral video.

29. Save The Children


This is one of those shocking video ads that challenge your belief system.

It makes you realize your privilege and check your "if it isn’t happening to me, why should I bother?" attitude.

At the time it was released, ‘second a day’ videos were the viral trend on YouTube.

The director of this ad, Martin Stirling, cleverly used this format to his advantage.

This ad imagines what life would be like for a little girl if London were in Syria instead. 

It starts by showing her normal life—surrounded by family, a cozy living room, school, car rides, peace, and birthday cakes.

All this while, the background is slowly changing, with news of impending war peeking into the frame (a subtle hint of what’s to come– in writing we call this foreshadowing). 

Our little girl remains unaware at first, but then things accelerate. That faraway war is now home. 

We see the light in her eyes fade away by the final scene as she becomes a refugee.

Within just 5 days, it went viral with 21 million views. It went on to win numerous awards and became the first non-profit video ad to be named the most popular advertisement of the month on YouTube.

Save the Children saw a 25% increase in regular donations for the Syrian refugee crisis, along with a significant boost in engagement across all their social media channels.

30. Toggl


Here’s a delightful example of how 3D animation really makes things pop and brings ideas to life.

Even somewhat abstract ideas, like time management, can be turned into lively physical characters to help relate to the challenge the viewer is facing, and also explain the solution that can be unlocked by Toggl.

31. Smarty


Figuring out your data plan can be such a hassle.

And even if you solve those problems with a superior product or service that is sure to delight your customers, explaining how it works will be an equally big hassle

But thanks to this clever 3D animated video, Smarty was able to break through the fog with a video that’s delightfully entertaining as well as enlightening.

Talk about being a Smarty! Sorry, we couldn’t resist.

32. Bank of Queensland


An excellent example of using humor to win the trust of your customers, this 2D cartoon animation video by Bank of Queensland is an attempt to humanize the brand to the consumer, and thus have it be more memorable.

Short 30-second fintech videos are perfect for such an absurd concept.

But it does the job, which is making the customer realize that you really can make friends with a bank when it is the Bank of Queensland.

33. Daloopa


Investing is complex, to put it mildly. But does it really have to be?

Using the power of AI, Daloopa is a tool that can aggregate and organize vast amounts of information about any company.

This helps investors save time, be more efficient in their research, and make better decisions daily. 

Their character animated video does an equally amazing job of explaining this in a way that’s engaging, simple, and easy to understand.

And it does so without boring or overwhelming the viewer, keeping their attention and interest from start to finish easily.

We also love their art style and bold colors.

34. CRED


Art and creativity aren’t attributes we often associate with a bank.

But this absolutely gorgeous animated video for Cred challenges the stuffy, all-too-serious image. 

NeoPop was their new design language, giving their customers a visual treat and a burst of life and color.

And this video shows it off perfectly, looking and feeling like something we’d expect to see in a music video or on a teenager’s phone screen, rather than a banking advert. 

What we especially love about it is that it injects a breath of fresh air and life into their persona, but without losing a sense of slick professionalism and competence.

It’s lively, but not goofy or unserious. Proof that you can visually have your cake and eat it too!

35. Klarna


Shopping Cart abandonment” is a serious problem in online shopping and website design.

Basically, it’s when people visit a site, click “add to cart” but never check out.

The website updates its inventory on those items since they’re about to be purchased, but the purchase never happens.

If this happens often enough (and it often does), it leads to serious problems for the site’s infrastructure. 

Klarna is an innovative payment solution that addresses this problem effectively.

But with their customer base consisting of many small businesses already overwhelmed with the tasks of setting up an online shopping portal and logistics, it was a challenge to explain how their solution works easily and simply.

Even getting their attention and holding on to it long enough for them to hear them out, would prove tricky.

That’s why they chose to use an animated explainer video.

Animation has the unique ability to attract attention and interest, and explain complex ideas in-depth without boring or overwhelming the viewer.

It also has great memory retention, staying memorable long after it’s been watched even once.

36. Visa AI


Have you ever wondered just how credit cards actually work?

Neither have we, in much the same way most of us drive daily but don’t really know how the airbags actually work. 

This beautiful video for Visa AI gives us a peek under the hood, so to speak.

And right away, this is probably a topic that wouldn’t interest most people.

But through the power of animated storytelling, we’re drawn into the video and want to know more.

By using storytelling and a friendly, personable character, we can put a face to this nebulous, highly technical world and it’s all brought to life. 

The roundabout goal of the video is to showcase and highlight Visa’s competency, high standards, cutting-edge technology— and ultimately, build a sense of trust between Visa and their audience.

You’re left with a strong sense that Visa really knows what they’re doing, they take their security very seriously, and you can rest easy knowing they’re securing your transactions. 

37. Aquacard


We just love this adorable video for Aquacard, a delightful mix of live-action and 3D animation.

The story of a cute anthropomorphic credit card character sneaking into someone’s house and leaping into their phone, really brings the main message to life: that this is the card for you.

The script quickly covers the important points while the story keeps you wanting more.

The animation is slick and full of life, and the blend of live action and 3D really help it stand out!

38. Indeed


Indeed’s explainer video isn't just a glimpse into a computer-animated dreamland—it's a turbocharged tour of resume words and its perks.

Mixing classic stop-motion charm with modern flair, it's like watching a Pixar flick with a career twist.

By using a charming character talking to the viewer, you feel like you’re being coached by an expert, rather than getting an information dump that you’ll soon forget.

With every detail meticulously crafted, from cozy bookshelves to TED-inspired presentations, it's a visual feast that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

So sit back, relax, and let Indeed weave its magic with a dash of career wisdom.

39. KeyCard


Get ready to unlock the magic of KeyCard!

Their explainer video is a visual treat, packed with top-notch illustrations and 2D Infographic animations that'll make your eyes dance.

In just 90 seconds, it cuts through the noise, focusing on what truly matters: secure transactions in the digital jungle.

All with no fluff or filler!

40. Nest


Nest went all out by bringing real-life items into a 2D motion graphic animated universe – talk about thinking outside the box!

With a breezy animation style, royalty free music, and a voiceover that's as welcoming as your grandma's hugs, they've made the case for smart home integration crystal clear.

Say hello to saving money, cozying up, and keeping danger at bay – all thanks to Nest's ingenious approach.

Simple message, stunning visuals – it's smart living made fun!

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41. #ChuckleHeads


While outside threats and hacking attacks are probably what you think of when it comes to cybersecurity, there’s another threat most companies don’t think too much: threats from within.

And often, done innocently and without malice.

Your employees are only human, and even the most driven and enthusiastic team can get frustrated and stressed out at times.

But in today’s completely interconnected world, even an innocent joke said in private can easily leak out and go public in the worst ways.

Your employees need to be mindful that internal communication videos might spread to people who were never intended to see them. 

So rather than being a downer, this video went the route of using humor and clever storytelling.

It demonstrates the consequences of careless email conversations that get a little too honest– and makes the point that this is something that any of us could do one day, if we’re not careful.

Brilliantly acted and sharply written, this one entertains while still making its point clear to the viewers.

42. Cisco: Ransomware


This video feels more like a tense, high-tech drama on Netflix than an ad for Cisco’s corporate cybersecurity solutions.

But that’s what happens when you combine your messaging with a compelling story.

Ransomware is a tactic where malicious software is installed in your network, which then takes control of every available machine and locks you out of your own systems until some demand is met (usually money in the form of untraceable cryptocurrency).

Hence the name, “ransomware,” because your entire company is essentially held at ransom.

It’s exactly as terrifying as it sounds, and can bring a company of any size to its knees overnight.

And it gets worse. Sometimes the ransomware operation is simply a smokescreen for even deeper hacking and breaching, leading to enormous data leaks.

The problem, of course, is getting your team to really understand all this so they can be ready for when and if it happens.

What we love about this video for Cisco is that they went a different route, using storytelling and drama to bring this threat to life.

By making it an interview of sorts, we can put a face to this faceless, rather abstract threat.

It tells the story of a corporation reeling from the damage caused by a ransomware attack, making it feel real and plausible to the viewer. 

It is truly one of the best storytelling examples in this list.

43. Apple


One could write a thesis on Apple’s design philosophy (and many probably have). 

While every consumer tech company likes to boast that they take design seriously, Apple has always taken this to a whole other level, where the aesthetics aren’t an afterthought but a fundamental element of the entire design process from start to finish. Even the packaging their products are shipped in has won design awards.

But it’s more than just clean shiny gadgets with a cool minimalist look.

There’s some deeply obsessive thinking that goes into the products they make, and how we interact with them.

This is, after all, a company that hired an artist rather than a computer engineer (Sir Jonathan Ive) as their Chief Design Officer, who oversaw the design of the iconic iMac, iPod, AppleWatch, and more, for over two decades.

So we expect nothing less than the most beautifully stark, minimalist animated video from them when they explain their design philosophy.

It’s all clean dots and lines and soft understated narration, telling the story of their creative journey in industrial design.

There’s text to help underscore the key points, and mesmerizing transitions that are a feast for the eyes.

You can see the focus shift in certain shots, the illusion of depth, and a handful of other minute details here.

Put together with a slow piano score, this is a video you'd definitely remember.

44. Asana


If you're a project manager or have ever managed a team, you know how tough it is.

But don't worry: Asana is here to make things easy and more streamlined.

The video gets you hooked as it talks about how complex projects can be.

And by extension of that, how difficult it gets for you to handle them.

As a project manager, this problem is something you can relate to.

That makes you stick around for the solution.

Now when the narrator talks about how Asana solves the problem, you're interested in it.

As you can see, the video builds trust along the way and positions its solutions as something you need.

What makes this animated video engaging is the interplay of the narration and visuals. And the creators have done a great job at it!

45. Goldi


‘I’d like to add you to my professional network,’ said no one, ever.” Talk about a great hook!

Recruitment can be a hassle– for both the recruiter and hopeful candidates.

And this video starts out strong with demonstrating that they truly understand what it’s like on both ends of the hiring process.

So Goldi set out to bring back a human touch to recruitment.

The cartoon animated video paints a vivid and memorable image that grabs and holds your attention– even making you laugh.

Then, when the video shifts to talking about the solution, you're sold.

The clever transitions in the video also play an important role in keeping the viewers hooked to the story, as well as the music and sound effects.

46. Virgin Media Security


The most common strategy in marketing and advertising, is the problem-solution approach.

You highlight a problem your audience faces, and present them with the solution.

And while this is quite effective, there’s a point where it can be kind of a downer.

For example, when your offering is a home cybersecurity solution.

You can easily overdo the message and terrify your audience by reminding them of online threats and hackers out to get them.

And a heavy-handed message like that can feel like fearmongering.

Corporations understand the threat, but the average home consumer doesn’t like to think about it.

So Virgin Media Security carefully balanced their explanation of the threats with humor and levity, depicting a squad of fierce ninjas protecting your home from attackers.

Their animated video is just goofy and silly enough, but without downplaying real threats.

With great visual storytelling supported with an amazing voiceover, this video is entertaining and highly memorable.

47. Plastic Change: Fin City


There are so many problems in the world today.

And nonprofit organizations are working heroically and tirelessly to solve them. 

Unfortunately, thanks to the public’s fleeting attention spans, the challenge today isn’t informing the public about these issues– but keeping the message fresh and attention-grabbing with every campaign.

Because a lot of these serious global problems aren’t new, or newsworthy. People simply tune out.

We all know there’s too much plastic in the ocean. It’s terrible, but it’s also nothing new. And it’s depressing to hear about it. 

So how do you get people’s attention while not resorting to doom-and-gloom tactics? 

Plastic Change decided to use storytelling.

A gritty, film-noir homage, we’re introduced to a crime story with a grim detective on the case– but he’s a fish, and this grimy city is set deep under the sea.

The 3D animation is top-notch, worthy of an animated Hollywood movie more than a PSA. 

It’s got just a touch of absurd humor from how straight and serious it plays the story.

But the message is no joke: this is a murder spree that the oceans cannot solve.

Leaving the unspoken conclusion (and call-to-action) that only the audience watching can do something about it.

Note how the message itself– awareness of plastic pollution in the oceans– is hardly new.

But by cleverly using a story and some great animation, it’s all presented fresh and interesting, even entertaining– and stays memorable.

48. Edeka: Heimkommen (Coming Home)


Humanity is a constellation of diverse cultures and traditions, varying wildly across the world from country to country, each unique and fascinating. 

But there are some traditions that are universal regardless of where you’re from.

Like getting the whole family together for the holidays or special events and sharing a big meal at the dinner table. 

It’s never been easier to travel and meet in person.

But paradoxically, our busy lives mean we don’t always make the time.

And we tend to forget what’s really important.

This heartwarming video for German grocery store Edeka reminds us that it’s not really about the food at the dinner table, it’s those people we’re sharing the meal with.

And it does this by telling a simple story that tugs at the heartstrings to make an important point. 

In the story, an elderly retiree misses his grown children dearly, and is desperate to get them home for the holidays.

So he pulls a daring stunt and sends out notifications that he’s passed away.

When his sons and daughters tearfully rush home in grief to make funeral arrangements, they’re shocked to find him alive and patiently waiting for them to walk through the door.

Emotions run high, and it’s not long before they’re all at the dinner table, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. 

While we perhaps don’t recommend faking your own death as a way to get the family together, the story makes its point loud and clear: we should cherish what we have, in the short time we have it.

And when it comes to animation for business, it helps demonstrate a point we make often: that regardless of what business or industry you’re in, it’s never really about the product itself, it’s about the people. 

49. IBM


Here’s a video for IBM’s AI-powered supply chain solutions. 

And right there, we’re not dealing with the most dynamite formula for an interesting, let alone entertaining, story.

But you’d be surprised what some clever storytelling and gorgeous 3D character animation can do!

We find ourselves immersed in this high-tech world, with a friendly main character giving us a tour of the IBM labs and explaining supply chain scenarios.

Even if we start with no interest in this subject, we can’t help but be drawn into the story and eager to learn more. That’s how good this animated video is!

This is not about selling this very industry-specific solution to the common man watching this video online.

It’s about using a real-world example to demonstrate IBM’s ingenuity, innovation, and leadership in many different areas. 

Created by MediaMonks, this animated short was translated into ten languages worldwide. 

50. Lego: The Lego Story


When we say all brands have a story, you may draw a blank wondering what yours has to tell. But all stories have a beginning!

And the world-famous Lego toy brand is no exception.

Using delightful 3D character animation, we see their story slowly unfold from humble beginnings, and struggling through more than their fair share of trials and tribulations.

It feels more like a feel-good animated Hollywood movie than a documentary about how the world’s most beloved toy brand got started.

You find yourself rooting for the noble underdog hero against the odds, and cheer as they finally find their footing and make history. The adorable animated characters really bring it to life, and tug at your heartstrings. 

So if you want your brand to tell its story, and don’t know what to say? Just look back and start with how you got started.

Even if you feel like it’s not interesting enough, your audience will most likely love it. Trust us on this!

51. Rubik’s Cube


The Rubik’s Cube. We’re all familiar with this classic puzzle toy. But can it be used to tell a story?

Held in the right hands, absolutely! 

Thanks to the geniuses at Polder Animation, a mundane everyday scene of a girl missing her train at a subway station turns into the setting of a fantastical, immersive story that has us on the edge of our seats, wondering what will happen next.

The 3D animation of the Rubik’s Cube is masterful, avoiding the cliches of anthropomorphizing it or adding a face and limbs, and instead going the much more challenging route of giving it life and personality without any facial expressions or human elements.

The pacing is perfect and steady, not too quick but not plodding along either. 

It’s another shining example of what animated storytelling can really accomplish!

How to Create the Best Explainer Videos for Your Business

Creating a top-tier explainer video involves a strategic process that combines creativity with clear communication.

Here’s how you can craft the perfect explainer video for your business:

  1. Identify Your Objective: What do you want your video to achieve? Is it to increase sales, educate your audience, or build brand awareness? Knowing your objective will guide every decision you make in the production process.
  2. Know Your Audience: Understanding your target audience is crucial. Tailor your video’s style, tone, and message to resonate with the people you’re trying to reach.
  3. Develop a Strong Script: Your explainer video script is the backbone of your video. Keep it simple, direct, and focused on solving your audience’s problem.
  4. Create a Storyboard: Before jumping into animation, map out your video scene by scene using a storyboarding. This will help you visualize the flow of the video and ensure that the story makes sense.
  5. Choose the Right Animation Style: The animated explainer video style should reflect your brand and appeal to your target audience. Whether it’s playful 2D animation or sleek motion graphics, make sure it enhances your message.
  6. Add a Professional Touch: Invest in a high-quality voiceover and background music that complements the tone of your video. These elements can significantly elevate the overall production value.
  7. Review and Refine: Once your video is complete, review it with fresh eyes. Make sure it’s clear, engaging, and that the CTA is strong.

Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of Storytelling for Your Business

Animated explainer videos are more than just a trend—they’re a powerful tool that can transform the way your business communicates with its audience.

By combining the art of storytelling with engaging visuals and clear messaging, you can create videos that not only capture attention but also drive results.

Whether you’re aiming to simplify complex concepts, showcase a product, or build brand awareness, an explainer video can be your secret weapon to skyrocket your business’s success.

So, start harnessing the power of animated storytelling and watch your brand thrive in the digital age!

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